NIrV Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 6

1027 l Mark 3:18
17 Jesus heard that . So he said to them , “ Those who are healthy don ’ t need a doctor . Sick peo ple do . I have not come to get those who think they are right with God to fol low me . I have come to get sin ners to follow me .”
Jesus Is Asked About Fasting
18 John ’ s disciples and the Pharisees were going without eating . Some people came to Jesus . They said to him , “ John ’ s disciples are fasting . The disciples of the Phar i sees are also fast ing . But your dis ciples are not . Why aren ’ t they ?”
19 Jesus an swered , “ How can the guests of the groom go with out eat ing while he is with them ? They will not fast as long as he is with them . 20 But the time will come when the groom will be tak en away from them . On that day they will go with out eating .
21 “ No one sews a patch of new cloth on old clothes . Oth er wise , the new piece will pull away from the old . That will make the tear worse . 22 No one pours new wine into old wineskins . Otherwise , the wine will burst the skins . Then the wine and the wine skins will both be de stroyed . No , people pour new wine into new wine skins .”
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath Day
23 One Sabbath day Jesus was walking with his dis ci ples through the grain fields . The dis ci ples be gan to break off some heads of grain . 24 The Phar i sees said to Jesus , “ Look ! It is against the Law to do this on the Sab bath day . Why are your disciples doing it ?”
25 He an swered , “ Haven ’ t you ever read about what Da vid did ? He and his men were hun gry . They need ed food . 26 It was when Abiathar was high priest . David entered the house of God and ate the holy bread . Only priests were al lowed to eat it . Da vid also gave some to his men .”
27 Then Jesus said to them , “ The Sabbath day was made for man . Man was not made for the Sab bath day . 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sab bath day .”
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day


Another time Jesus went into the syn a gogue . A man with a weak and twisted hand was there . 2 Some Pharisees were try ing to find fault with Jesus . They watched him closely . They wanted to see if he would heal the man on the Sab­ bath day . 3 Jesus spoke to the man with the weak and twist ed hand . “ Stand up in front of ev ery one ,” he said .
4 Then Jesus asked them , “ What does the Law say we should do on the Sab bath day ? Should we do good ? Or should we do evil ? Should we save life ? Or should we kill ?” But no one an swered .
5 Jesus looked around at them in an ger . He was very upset because their hearts were stub born . Then he said to the man , “ Stretch out your hand .” He stretched it out , and his hand had be come as good as new . 6 Then the Phar i sees went out and began to make plans with the Herodians . They wanted to kill Jesus .
Crowds Follow Jesus
7 Jesus went off to the Sea of Gal i lee with his dis ci ples . A large crowd from Gal i­ lee followed . 8 Peo ple heard about all that Jesus was do ing . And many came to him . They came from Judea , Jerusalem and Idu mea . They came from the lands east of the Jor dan Riv er . And they came from the area around Tyre and Si don . 9 Because of the crowd , Jesus told his dis ci ples to get a small boat ready for him . This would keep the peo ple from crowd ing him . 10 Jesus had healed many peo ple . So those who were sick were push ing for ward to touch him . 11 When peo ple con trolled by evil spir its saw him , they fell down in front of him . The spir its shout ed , “ You are the Son of God !” 12 But Jesus or dered them not to tell peo ple about him .
Jesus Appoints the Twelve Disciples
13 Jesus went up on a moun tain side . He called for cer tain peo ple to come to him , and they came . 14 He ap point ed 12 of them so that they would be with him . He would also send them out to preach . 15 And he gave them au thor i ty to drive out de mons .
16 So Jesus appointed the 12 disciples .
Si mon was one of them . Jesus gave him the name Pe ter .
17 There were James , son of Zebedee , and his broth er John . Jesus gave them the name Boanerges . Boanerges means Sons of Thunder .
18 There were also Andrew , Philip , Bartholomew , Matthew , Thomas ,