NIrV Adventure Bible, Polar Exploration Edition NIrV Adventure Bible: Polar Edition - Sampler | Page 9

Mark 3 — 4 1212 12 dis­c i­ples. Si­mon was one of them. Jesus gave him the name Pe­ter. 17  ­T here were J ­ ames, son of Zeb­e ­dee, and his broth­er John. J ­ esus gave them the name Bo­a ­ner­ges. Bo­a ­ner­ges ­means Sons of Thun­der. 18  ­T here were also An­d rew, Phil­ip, Bar­thol­o­mew, Mat­thew, Thom­as, and ­James, son of Al­phae­us. And ­t here were Thad­dae­us and Si­mon the Zeal­ot. 19  Ju­das Is­c ar­i­ot was one of them too. He was the one who was lat­er go­ing to hand Jesus over to his en­e­mies. Jesus Is Accused by Teachers of the Law 20  ­ Jesus en­tered a h ­ ouse. A ­ gain a c ­ rowd gath­e red. It was so ­large that Jesus and his dis­c i­ples were not even able to eat. 21  His fam ­i­l y ­heard ­about this. So they went to take c ­ harge of him. They said, “He is out of his mind.” 22  Some teach­ e rs of the law were t here. They had come down from Je­r u­ sa­lem. They said, “He is con­t rolled by Be­el­ze­bul! He is driv­ing out de­mons by the pow­er of the p ­ rince of de­mons.” 23  So J ­ esus ­c alled them over to him. He be­gan to ­speak to them us­ing sto­r ies. He said, “How can Sa­t an d ­ rive out Sa­t an? 24  If a king­ dom ­fights ­a gainst it­s elf, it ­c an’t ­stand. 25  If a fam ­i­ly is di­v id­ed, it ­c an’t ­s tand. 26  And if Sa­tan f ­ ights a gainst him­s elf, and his help­e rs are di­v id­ed, he c ­ an’t s ­ tand. That is the end of him. 27  In fact, none of you can en­ter a ­strong m ­ an’s ­house un­less you tie him up ­f irst. Then you can ­steal ­things from his ­house. 28  What I’m ­about to tell you is true. Ev­ery­one’s sins and evil ­words a ­ gainst God will be for­giv­en. 29  But who­ ev­er s ­ peaks evil ­things a ­ gainst the Holy Spir­it will nev­er be for­g iv­en. ­T heir ­g uilt will last for­ev­er.” 30  ­Jesus said this be­cause the teach­ers of the law were say­i ng, “He has an evil spir­it.” Jesus’ Mother and Brothers 31  ­Jesus’ moth­e r and broth­e rs came and s ­ tood out­side. They sent some­one in to get him. 32  A ­crowd was sit­t ing ­around Jesus. They told him, “Your moth­er and your broth­ers are out­side. They are look­ ing for you.” 33  “Who is my moth­er? Who are my broth­ers?” he ­asked. 34  Then J ­ esus l ­ ooked at the peo­ple sit­t ing in a cir­cle ­a round him. He said, “Here is my moth­er! Here are my broth­ ers! 35  Any­one who does what God ­wants is my broth­er or sis­ter or moth­er.” The Story of the Farmer 4 A gain ­Jesus be­gan to ­teach by the Sea of Gal­i­lee. The ­crowd that gath­ ered ­a round him was very ­large. So he got into a boat. He sat down in it out on the lake. All the peo­ple were ­a long the shore at the wa­t er’s edge. 2  He ­t aught them many t ­ hings us­i ng sto­r ies. In his teach­ing he said, 3  “Lis­t en! A farm­e r went out to p ­ lant his seed. 4  He scat­tered the seed on the g ­ round. Some fell on a path. B ­ irds came and ate it up. 5  Some seed fell on ­rocky plac­es, ­where ­t here w asn’t much soil. The ­plants came up quick­ly, be­c ause the soil w ­ asn’t deep. 6  When the sun came up, it b ­ urned the Planting Seeds Farmers in Jesus’ time didn’t use machines to plant, or sow, their fields with seed. They took handfuls of seeds and threw them on the ground they had plowed. A skillful farmer could spread grain seeds very evenly.