NIrV Adventure Bible, Polar Exploration Edition NIrV Adventure Bible: Polar Edition - Sampler | Page 8

1211 Jesus Is Lord of the  Sabbath Day 23  One Sab­bath day J ­ esus was walk­ ing with his dis­ci­ples t ­ hrough the grain­ fields. The dis­ci­ples be­gan to b ­ reak off some h ­ eads of g ­ rain. 24  The Phar­i­sees said to J ­ esus, “Look! It is a ­ gainst the Law to do this on the Sab­bath day. Why are your dis­ci­ples do­ing it?” 25  He an­s wered, “­H aven’t you ever read ­about what Da­v id did? He and his men were hun­g ry. They need­ed food. 26  It was when Abi­a­t har was high p ­ riest. Da­v id en­tered the ­house of God and ate the holy ­bread. Only p ­ riests were al­lowed to eat it. Da­v id also gave some to his men.” 27  Then ­Jesus said to them, “The Sab­ bath day was made for man. Man was not made for the Sab­bath day. 28  So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sab­bath day.” Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day 3 An­oth­er time ­Jesus went into the syn­a­gogue. A man with a weak and twist­ed hand was ­t here. 2  Some Phar ­i ­ sees were try­ing to find ­fault with J ­ esus. They ­watched him close­ly. They want­ed to see if he ­would heal the man on the Sab­bath day. 3  ­Jesus s ­ poke to the man with the weak and twist­ed hand. “­Stand up in ­f ront of ev­ery­one,” he said. 4  Then J ­ esus a ­ sked them, “What does the Law say we ­should do on the Sab­bath day? ­Should we do good? Or ­should we do evil? ­Should we save life? Or s ­ hould we kill?” But no one an­swered. 5  ­Jesus ­looked ­a round at them in an­ger. Mark 2 — 3 He was very up­set be­cause ­t heir h ­ earts were stub­born. Then he said to the man, “­Stretch out your hand.” He ­stretched it out, and his hand had be­come as good as new. 6  Then the Phar­i­sees went out and be­gan to make p ­ lans with the He­ro­di­ans. They want­ed to kill J ­ esus. Crowds Follow Jesus 7  ­Jesus went off to the Sea of Gal­i ­lee with his dis­c i­ples. A ­large ­c rowd from Gal­i­lee fol­lowed. 8  Peo­ple ­heard ­about all that ­Jesus was do­ing. And many came to him. They came from Ju­dea, Je­r u­sa­lem and Id­u­mea. They came from the l ­ ands east of the Jor­dan Riv­er. And they came from the area a ­ round Tyre and Si­don. 9  Be­c ause of the ­c rowd, J ­ esus told his dis­c i­ples to get a ­small boat r ­ eady for him. This ­would keep the peo­ple from crowd­ing him. 10  ­Jesus had h ­ ealed many peo­ple. So ­those who were sick were push­ing for­ward to t ­ ouch him. 11  When peo­ple con­t rolled by evil spir­its saw him, they fell down in ­f ront of him. The spir­its shout­ed, “You are the Son of God!” 12  But Jesus or­dered them not to tell peo­ple about him. Jesus Appoints the Twelve Disciples 13  ­Jesus went up on a moun­t ain­s ide. He ­called for cer­t ain peo­ple to come to him, and they came. 14  He ap­point­ed 12 of them so that they w ­ ould be with him. He w ­ ould also send them out to p ­ reach. 15  And he gave them au­t hor­i­t y to d ­ rive out de­mons. 16  So ­Jesus ap­p oint­ed the House Roofs House roofs in New Testament times were made by laying branches over wood. Mud was packed over the branches. The friends who carried a sick man to Jesus dug through the mud roof of a house and lowered the man into the room where Jesus was teaching.