Jesus Is Lord of the
Sabbath Day
23 One Sabbath day J
esus was walk
ing with his disciples t hrough the grain
fields. The disciples began to b
reak off
some h
eads of g
rain. 24 The Pharisees
said to J esus, “Look! It is a gainst the Law
to do this on the Sabbath day. Why are
your disciples doing it?”
25 He ans wered, “H aven’t you ever
read about what Dav id did? He and his
men were hung ry. They needed food.
26 It was when Abiat har was high p
Dav id entered the house of God and
ate the holy bread. Only p
riests were
allowed to eat it. Dav id also gave some
to his men.”
27 Then Jesus said to them, “The Sab
bath day was made for man. Man was not
made for the Sabbath day. 28 So the Son
of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.”
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day
Another time Jesus went into the
synagogue. A man with a weak and
twisted hand was t here. 2 Some Phar i
sees were trying to find fault with J esus.
They watched him closely. They wanted
to see if he would heal the man on the
Sabbath day. 3 Jesus s poke to the man
with the weak and twisted hand. “Stand
up in f ront of everyone,” he said.
4 Then J
esus a sked them, “What does
the Law say we should do on the Sabbath
day? Should we do good? Or should we
do evil? Should we save life? Or s hould
we kill?” But no one answered.
5 Jesus looked a round at them in anger.
Mark 2 — 3
He was very upset because t heir h
were stubborn. Then he said to the man,
“Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it
out, and his hand had become as good as
new. 6 Then the Pharisees went out and
began to make p
lans with the Herodians.
They wanted to kill J esus.
Crowds Follow Jesus
7 Jesus went off to the Sea of Gali lee
with his disc iples. A large c rowd from
Galilee followed. 8 People heard about all
that Jesus was doing. And many came to
him. They came from Judea, Jer usalem
and Idumea. They came from the l ands
east of the Jordan River. And they came
from the area a round Tyre and Sidon.
9 Bec ause of the c rowd, J
esus told his
disc iples to get a small boat r eady for
him. This would keep the people from
crowding him. 10 Jesus had h
ealed many
people. So those who were sick were
pushing forward to t ouch him. 11 When
people cont rolled by evil spirits saw him,
they fell down in f ront of him. The spirits
shouted, “You are the Son of God!” 12 But
Jesus ordered them not to tell people
about him.
Jesus Appoints the Twelve
13 Jesus went up on a mount ains ide.
He called for cert ain people to come to
him, and they came. 14 He appointed 12
of them so that they w
ould be with him.
He w
ould also send them out to p
15 And he gave them aut horit y to d
out demons. 16 So Jesus app ointed the
House Roofs
House roofs in
New Testament
times were made
by laying branches
over wood. Mud
was packed over
the branches. The friends who carried a
sick man to Jesus dug through the mud
roof of a house and lowered the man into
the room where Jesus was teaching.