Nightmare Alley 01 September 2014 | Page 14


It's not often a haunted house gets to come back from the ashes. Borely Rectory has always been known as England's most haunted house, and no one knows that better than film director Jonathan Chance. His script for the indie horror film, "The Rectory" has not only caught the attention of the judges of Shriekfest, but it's now drawing investors from around the world who want to see this story reach the big screen.

Having been a longtime fan of the story behind this most notorious of haunted places, I instantly jumped into my Ghostbusters foot pajamas and gave Jonathan my complete and undiveded attention when I found out he was making a feature length film on the subject.

Jonathan's pitch reel during the Indiegogo campaign.

Starring, Crispin Belfrage, as the legendary, Harry Price. Also starring, Jason Vail, David S. Hogan and Angela DiMarco. Produced by Calvin Vanderbeek. To be shot in Hollywood and on location in Essex, England.

I cannot wait until this film is complete. It is the grandaddy of all haunted house stories. Long before the Amityville Horror. If You would like to be part of the film that is going to be the go to feature on the subject of Borley Rectory, contact the director, Jonathan Chance on Twitter @CarryOnJohn

Let him know you saw the feature on him in "Nightmare Alley Magazine"