These free community meetings are offered biannually ( in May and November ) to residents , with a more relaxed format than a regular City Council meeting .
To learn about when and where your next neighborhood meeting will take place , visit
www . CityofPSL . com / NICE . The neighborhood groups or cohorts can be viewed on this
map !
2-1-1 is Your Local Community Helpline & Crisis Hot-line . Dial them for questions about assistance or in times of need from anywhere in the country . Volunteers have access to the latest social service updates . Visit
www . 211TreasureCoast . org for more information .
121 SW Port St . Lucie Boulevard , Building A , Suite 173 Port St . Lucie , FL . 34984
NICE @ cityofpsl . com | 772-871-7395
16 Neighborhood Resources Guide | City of Port St . Lucie