It ’ s a Great tIme to Be a HomescHooler
Eric Smitherm
Homeschoolers are a diverse bunch . Our teaching approaches and learning philosophies vary . Our politics run the gamut and our visions of education reform differ greatly . Yet , despite these contrasts , homeschoolers are remarkably similar . I recently asked a large , eclectic group of homeschooling parents why they chose this education option for their children . Key homeschooling features like " freedom ," and " time ," and " flexibility ," and " individualization " were common drivers for all .
Of course my first question was : " What about socialization ?"
When I first heard about homeschooling , it was 1998 . I was a senior in college writing a research paper on education choice and the rising homeschooling movement , and became fascinated by this option . A college classmate of mine connected me with her family members who were homeschooling , and they invited me into their home to observe and ask questions . Of course my first question was : " What about socialization ?"
I remember the mom ' s calm and eloquent response , pointing out the obvious difference between being social and being socialized . She described their vibrant and engaging homeschooling networks , community involvement , and neighborhood activism . She explained that much of the socialization that happens in schools is not positive and can lead to malevolent behaviors , like cliques , and bullying , and unhealthy competition . Her homeschooled daughter graciously played her violin during my visit , and was one of the most curious , articulate , and polite young children I had ever met . I was hooked .
Later , I went on to graduate school in education policy at Harvard and became more committed to the ideas of education choice and innovation and alternatives to school . Now , as a homeschooling mom to four , never-been-schooled children , I combine policy and practice on a daily basis , watching the extraordinary ways in which my children learn without school .
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