NHEG - January 2017 Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 | Page 23

Do you have an empty building ?

Do you have an empty building ?

We are a 501 ( c )( 3 ) nonprofit organization seeking usable space or funding to operate a curricula library and administrative office .
The New Heights Educational Group , Inc . promotes literacy for children and adults by offering a range of educational support services . Such services include : assisting families in the selection of schools ; organization of educational activities ; and acquisition of materials . We promote a healthy learning environment and enrichment programs for families of preschool and schoolage children , including children with special needs .
It ’ s so important that we find a space for our library . Some of you may think that since we have a local public library that is enough . I do love public libraries and have spent hours utilizing their resources . So how is our library different ? Our library contains curriculum for all ages of students . Anyone can come in and for a small fee take out curriculum for a week , month , or a year and its interchangeable . If you don ’ t like the curriculum you use simply bring it back and exchange for something else . We have books for every grade including college and resources for teachers / tutors . Our library serves all families but with special consideration for home and charter school families that need help on a small budget . We also have a private library that serves those being tutored . This is of great urgency ; we have already turned away families this year that need these books . If you have a space in a commercial / industrial / business area or a residential property in Defiance County that you can donate to our organization , in return for a tax deductible certificate stating the value of the space , please contact us via our website www . NewHeightsEducation . org or email us at NewHeightsEducation @ yahoo . com . We would love to discuss how you or your business will benefit from the donation program .
Pamela Clark Executive Director
Please contact us at 419-786-0247 or email us NewHeightsEduca�on @ yahoo . com or visit our website at www . NewHeightsEduca�on . org
This is a great way you can serve the community and this would be tax deduc�ble .