Learning about yesterday’s world
That’s today’s social studies
Students relate to history better when they understand how events of the past have affected their
lives today.
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) publications feature a wide range of ideas for the
history classroom, including:
· Lesson plans with reproducible primary documents, especially in the Sources and Strategies
and Teaching with Documents columns of Social Education
· Advice on how to bring history alive through the use of oral histories, diaries, graphics,
literature, and art;
· Insights that enhance history teaching from geography, economics, civics, and the behavioral
sciences; and
· Resources to help your students look at history in a new way.
National History Day teachers will find the teaching tips and historical information in NCSS
publications to be invaluable as they guide their students to the accomplishment of successful history
As part of our mission of educating students for civic life, NCSS supports history teaching that
is sensitive to issues of rights and responsibilities. Our resources and interdisciplinary effective
provides students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills that prepare them for expertise
help educators link the lives of their studentsresources andof yesterday—and to create the world of
participation in the democratic process. Our to the world interdisciplinary expertise help educators
tomorrow. of their students to the world of yesterday—and to create the world of tomorrow.
link the lives
PLUS: Art and the Kennedy Assassination • Looking at the Law • Bullying and Cyberbullying
Find out how NCSS can help you.
Visit us online at
or write for a membership kit today.
Link to the recently published
C3 Framework at
Teaching Difficult
Topics with
Primary Sources
Plus: Special Section on Technology • Teaching with Documents • Looking at the Law
A Historic Voyage:
Teaching the Economics
of World History
Guest Editors:
Mark C. Schug
and William C. Wood
Guest Editor
Lee Ann Potter
The official journal of
National Council for
the Social Studies
Volume 75, Number 6
November⁄December 2011
The official journal of
National Council for
the Social Studies
Volume 77, Number 2
March/April 2013
National Council for the Social Studies
8555 Sixteenth Street • Suite 500 • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • 301-588-1800 • Fax 301-588-2049 • www.socialstudies.org