• To wrap up the lesson, each student will be asked to respond to the prompt: Each article took a stand for or against the
Progressive movement. Synthesize what stand each article took and what you believe to be the two strongest points made in
the article.
Activity 3 Procedure: Writing Assessment
• Students should take notes and write a one-page essay in which they argue how their reformer was an explorer. The essay
should offer evidence as to how their leader was an explorer who took risks.
Methods for Extension
• In activity 2, consider giving a fifth group member (or a small group) an excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt’s “The Man with
the Muck-Rake” speech from April 14, 1906, to analyze along with the articles
• This unit can be expanded by incorporating other Progressive Era topics that resulted in change. Some possibilities include:
• Social reform: problems of unemployment, poverty, and poor working conditions
• Economic reform: limiting the power of big business and regulating its activities
• Conservation: controlling the natural resources and how they were used
All lesson materials, primary source documents,
and a complete bibliography can be found at to