Ngaruawahia High School Yearbooks 1965-1993 Ngaruawahia High School "Te Huingaongawai" 1988 | Page 13
The Maihi represents the Tainui Rohe or the Tainui tribal area and is carved and
painted in the Tainui style. The kowhaiwhai design is also intended to depict te
huinga o nga wai.
Hine Nui Te Po
Hine Nui Te Po was a Diety and ancestress of Maui. When Maui tried to enter
her to gain immortality his companion the fantail laughed at the sight of his legs
dangling between Hine’s thighs. All the spectator birds then laughed and the din
awoke the goddess of night who clamped her thighs together and killed poor