Newsletters Welcome Back! Focus 2018-19

Welcome back! ANOKA-HENNEPIN SCHOOLS 2018-19 Under construction, more than just our buildings As the school year begins it will become noticeable that many of our school buildings are under construction. This will be most evident at high schools where buildings are receiving projects to increase safety and security, provide space and maintain quality facilities for learning. This is just the start of a four-year construction cycle that will impact every one of our schools as part of the Fit for the Future plan. More than two years since it began, we are now entering the implementation phase, however Fit for the Future projects are not the only thing under construction in Anoka-Hennepin schools. Concerns regarding growing class size in core subject areas across the district will be addressed this year through the addition of 60 classroom teachers. Curriculum to strengthen elementary English language arts and middle school reading programs will be added, along with a continued focus on secondary math. Special education and talent development program improvements are both forging ahead, supported with time and resources. When you see construction vehicles on the school sites, keep in mind our goal for our classrooms, and in our school system, is to be on a mission of continuous improvement. The programming and curriculum offered in our schools is also under constant develop- ment. Through all of this effort, we remain committed to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment. We ask for your patience and understanding with school construction as a framework for improved learning is formed, and our work to provide an excellent education for all continues. Sincerely, SCHOOL STARTS TUESDAY, SEPT. 4, 2018. OPEN HOUSE DATES The following are scheduled dates for back-to-school open houses. Please check with your child’s school for specific times. Elementary schools – Wednesday, Aug. 29 Middle schools – Tuesday, Aug. 28 High schools, RTLC – Wednesday, Aug. 29 STEP – Tuesday, Aug. 28 • Meet your teachers. • Find your classrooms. • Find your locker. • Follow your schedule. • Learn strategies for managing time and school work. • See old friends and make new ones. For more information, visit David Law Superintendent