Newsletters | St John's Primary Academy Newsletter - Friday 21st September 2018 | Page 2

Harvest Festival

This year’s Harvest Festival will take place on the morning of Wednesday 3rd October at St John’s Church. There will again be three separate services held during the morning and programme will be as detailed below.

9:30 am | Year 2 and Year 5

10:30 am | Reception & Year 4

11:30 am | Year 1 and Year 3

Our choir will be performing one song at each of the services.

Each year it becomes increasingly difficult to accommodate all of our pupils and those parents who wish to attend. Often parents and children can find themselves very overcrowded and this can of course have a negative impact upon what should be an enjoyable experience.

To alleviate some of the pressure on the available space in the church our 75 Year 6 children will hold a separate service here at school for children only.

Extra Curricular Clubs

A wide range of after school will start next week. As usual the clubs offered focus on providing opportunities for our older pupils, who are developing increased independence and can organise themselves to attend.

There are a limited number of activities for younger children

but often these are offered termly or half termly to accommodate the number of pupils who want to attend in a fair manner. If the designated class or year group do not fill the allocated places, these will then be offered to other children over the weeks ahead.

In an effort to improve communication and to make it easier for parents to organise their childcare, we will be trialling something new this term. We will send parents a text message to confirm that their child does have a place in a club. If parents do not receive a text message, this means that their child has not been offered a place on this occasion.

A full club timetable is available on the website