The Bowls Academy will visit Maleny Bowls Club on Sunday morning , 2 nd June . The training session will take place from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon . This is an opportunity to improve your bowling technique and identify any bad habits you may have acquired without realising it . The Academy hopes that some of us at least will have lunch with them at the pub after the session ( maybe we can get a group discount !).
Maleny Bowls Club and Mapleton Bowls Club invite you to join in the Live Life Villages Hinterland Bowls Carnival , Saturday 29 th June and Sunday 30 th June . Full details will be provided in the next newsletter . They can also be viewed on our website .
DONATIONS The club would like to acknowledge the following donations from members . They were made in the spirit of helping the club financially during their absence while travelling .
• Margaret and Don Ginns ……………..$ 50
• Dale Jacobsen …………………………$ 50
Support our SPONSORS because they support our club
“ Maleny Grove … a Live Life Village ”. Top of the Range Meats . Muang Thai Restaurant . Watson ’ s Garage .
Each of these businesses donates to the member ’ s draw every Friday evening . Members have the chance of winning cash , meat or a meal – but you must be present if your number is drawn out ! 5.30 pm during the cooler months .
Editor : John Lewis , maringal @ bigpond . com
malenybowlsclub @ bigpond . com |
8 Bunya Street , Maleny , 4552 |
www . malenybowlsclub . com . au |
Phone 5494 2335 |