A total of 357 students from the five traditional high schools in Anoka- Hennepin Schools were named Advanced Placement ( AP ) scholars based on scores on AP course exams taken during the 2023-24 school year . |
Anoka-Hennepin offers more than two dozen different AP courses to high school students which have been audited and approved by the College Board , a nonprofit organization of colleges , universities , secondary schools and higher education institutions focused on college readiness programs . Students who complete an AP course can take an optional exam and earn college credit , depending on their score on the exam and admission requirements at the college or university they attend . An AP exam score of 3 or higher ( on a scale of 1 to 5 ) earns credit at many of the nation ’ s colleges and universities .
Students can earn AP scholar recognition at three different levels :
AP Scholar with Distinction is given to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of the exams .
AP Scholar with Honor recognizes students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of the exams .
AP Scholar is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams taken .
The Anoka-Hennepin Schools students who were recognized as AP scholars during the 2023-24 school year are listed by category and school . n
Anoka High School : Sophia R . Acord , Luca La Hoz Calassara , Jailen E . Mallak , Grace E . Morphew , Kaelyn M . Nelson , Connor W . Peters , Joseph P . Pinewski , Alexander G . Schabert , Eli J . Schmitz ; Payton J . Wasurick .
Andover High School : Evelyn J . Ameli , Coen B . Andersland , Samuel J . Audette , James J . Bachleda , Holden Beberg , Joanne Bro , John D . Downs , Deacon S . Eckes , Asha J . Harmala , Brian R . Jones , Jaxon D . Knutson , Evan C . Kouba , Nam Anh Le , Jacob W . Moravitz , Tim J . Munce , Henry D . Myos , Brett K . Olson , Kaelyn M . Polzin , Elizabeth Raab , Justin Schmidt , Luke D . Sosalla , Grace Swanson , Kaelyn M . Van Dellen , Claire K . Van Gheem , Emma L . Yu , Antoine T . Ziegler
Blaine High School : Maxwell C . Albers , Oche T . Ali , Carly G . Anderson , Sydney A . Andrle , Nawal A . Arafa , Chase P . Bandelin , Tyler D . Bargman , Brandt D . Block , Jeremy R . Christenson , Caeden M . Clark , Lillian G . Cole , Zachary C . Dang , Henry Danh , Margaret M . Davini , Erick T . Day , Ayden A . DeBoer , Renny L . Dimitrov , Jacob C . Elson , Hannah R . Erickson , Jared A . Geppert , Ada K . Germann , Elizabeth A . Gohdes , Sydney K . Greene , Andy P . Hoang , Kieran P . Hobot , Thomas A . Holt , Bellamy John , Nathan M . Johnson , Alexander R . Jund , Nicholas S . Jund , Liam P . Lucore , Audrey J . Novotny , Bridget M . Olson , Aisha Y . Osman , Paige J . Padilla , Peyton N . Padilla , Shripad M . Patil , Kate A . Pennoyer , Makayla C . Persaud , Garrett P . Pierpont , Hailey E . Rehrauer , Pooja Shah , Taydem L . Sibinski , Aventine C . Sullivan , Nathan R . Taylor , Bethel B . Teklu , Bona M . Terfassa , Ella M . Thomson , Julia J . Tomandl , Devon R . Torgerson , Zachary D . Triplett , Emily M . Vogel , Keira J . Wrobel , Emmanuel J . Zhagui , Mary Zins
Champlin Park High School : Payton R . Almeroth , Ryan D . Bolterman , Greta L . Cannon , Addison J . Eernisse , Andrew W . Hollingsworth , Drew M . Hunter , George A . Lieu , Jedrik Lunde , Elizabeth M . Mayor , Abraham Nguyen , Christina Ogunleye , Linnea A . Rens
Coon Rapids High School : Cole J . Burnett , Lachlan M . Demmer , Aidan C . Hofstedt , Madelyn A . Jurek , Tiffany N . Kebabe , Anna M . Langworthy , Matthew G . Lewandowski , Francesca E . Nevarez Wielenberg
Anoka High School : Hannah R . DeRungs , Teagan M . Gordy , Mackenzie L . Solberg , Evan W . Tull .
Andover High School : Gabriel M . Beaupre , Caelan T . Bobbe , Christian R . Doane , Tucker J . Jaworski , Ava S . Klersy , Peyton Lamers , Jenna E . McHale , Evan Medenwaldt , James C . Nelson , Lauren N . Russell , Saivya Shrivastav , Dillon M . Smith , Ellie S . Speltz , Lucas J . Witte
Blaine High School : Ajibike C . Anjorin , Katherine V . Bock , Audrey R . Brown , Lauren M . Didur , Kieran M . Doyle , Keegan R . Eckert , Veronica I . Garcia , Andrew M . Gettel , Davis G . Haller , Marc G . Hill , Elizabeth K . Hoang , Hamile Z . Ibrahim , Malik H . Jackson , Ellie M . Kearin , Dustin D . Kowal , Yohas Lor , Evan K . Moua , Isabelle R . Murillo , Matthew E . Nayares- Parmer , Aisha A . Omar , Kaitlyn G . Palzer , Vanessa Peterson , Elaine Phan , Amalissa J . Pollock , Huda H . Rashid , Karina N . Selstad , Khiem D . Vu
Champlin Park High School : Brady M . Dolan , Samuel V . Feuerborn , Lailani V . Hanson , Zarek N . Hasib , Cecilia C . Kelly , Logan R . Martinez , Alex J . Molitor , Jayden T . Moua , Nicolas D . Mus , Edin V . Nguyen , Grace A . Olaleye , Rebecca A . Ott , Tyler A . Phenow , Jake H . Pollmann , Kamar Sati , Raziel- Jade Talatala , Emily S . Whitehouse , Samuel Wilhelmi , Nash A . Woodward
Coon Rapids High School : Rolland M . Albright , Ellie E . Carson , Isabella N . Freeman , Austin Hacker , Mateo Hernandez , Kendra L . Knudsen , Bailey L . Rauh , Nicholas J . Reiland , Emma B . Rothstein , Alyson Sorrell , Allison M . Staples
Anoka High School : Chase M . Bauer , Bailey R . Bradford , Hunter D . Carlson , Benjamin L . Dauman , Robert R . Gawreluk , Olivia C . Goddard , Matthew J . Henning , Sarah Hoang , Ben K . Iverson , Jessica A . Jensen ; Grant J . Kelcher , Tawny A . Kelcher , Timothy Z . Kue , Gavin R . Langaard , Ava M . LeBlanc , Lillian M . Leistico , Tenzin Namdol , Matthew J . Olson , Maleah G . Payne , Owen H . Wall , Alexander J . Wimmer .
Andover High School : Carly J . Ahlstrom , Emilia A . Bye , Nadia Bye , Jasmine R . Cummings , Natalie Daniels , Luke Dehnicke , Finn W . Dillinger , Matthew G . Eisinger , Piper Engelby , Lila L . Epp , Lauren A . Evenson , Brandon M . Galas , Jacob A . Hachey , Elizabeth M . Hannay , Brianna C . Hanson , Luke W . Herberg , Alyssa M . Jacobs , Jonathan E . Johnson , Sakura Khambounmy , Cecelia L . Kostick , Bennett M . Lon , Josie L . Marvin , Devyn S . Masloski , Maggie L . Meyer , Charlie S . Nohner , Isabella Novak ,
Ava M . O ’ Brian , Sydney M . Ogren , Amy M . Ogwang , Annika Olson , Kate E . Overom , Max J . Pfister , Madeline M . Ruddy , Broden R . Ruud , Jeffrey B . Scholl , Elyse C . Schroeder , Audrey N . Shepherd , Jacob J . Spreigl , Luke J . Steinhagen , Ray Stuedemann , Wilhelm D . Thompson , Noelle F . Van Voorhis , Jameson D . Welle , Abigail M . Yokom
Blaine High School : Nathan Abayneh , Tristan D . Anderson , Ayaan I . Barmare , Marketta M . Beffel , Nathan J . Bistodeau , Abbi R . Braddy , Matthew E . Bridgeford , Zoe Chen , Avery E . Clark , Alex S . Dahlk , Wyatt A . Daniels , Lorelei L . Darda , Alex L . Dela Cruz , Nicholas L . Demo , Edin Q . Erie , Andrew J . Fedor , Lilian I . Flores , Clinton L . Follette , Aryan A . Gautam , Olivia S . Gordon , Brooke A . Helmeke , Leah S . Holman , Marius F . Keita , Anna L . Kish-Bailey , Reece J . Krautkramer , Reema R . Krishnan , Salma S . Laaraj , Anders C . Larson , Amelia G . Leckner , Carter L . Mackey , Brooke K . Marschel , Lauren M . McLain , Iszeya L . Moe , Tanner J . Morgan , Felix C . Moua , Amelia G . Mueller , Amira A . Muse , William N . Nebelung , Emerson M . Nieder , Seno U . Okon , Chase L . Olson , Chelsey K . Olson , Nolan L . Olson , Jackson R . Powers , Brian N . Robles , Alexandra M . Ryan , Gabriel D . Schurr , Owen L . Scott , Morgan J . Taylor , Dezso M . Thorne , Lilyan K . Truong , Mai Anh Vo , Aurelia N . Woolhouse , Jack R . Zellmer
Champlin Park High School : Norah J . Allen , Maia L . Ark , Gina M . Bahe , Logan J . Beheba , Elias R . Campbell , Peter M . Coan , Oluwafemi J . Ebohon , Claire G . Hentges , Ezekiel M . Her , Jasmin L . Higginbotham , Gavin C . Kelleher , Erica M . Kemp , Deven Khamvongsouk , Marek Krause , Zachary J . Link , Zakiyyah M . Maalimdahir , William B . Maher , Destiny K . Masiasia , Elijah L . Moore , Christine T . Ogunleye , William Olsen , Ryder J . Opskar , Loryn Pumphrey , Lily A . Riese , Rebecca E . Ritchie , Isaac J . Roling , Brady J . Schornstein , Theresa Ung
Coon Rapids High School : Haley M . Atkinson , Emma M . Atkinson , Tyler J . Barsness , Oskar L . Berg , Kaylee A . Buerman , Thanadon Chanthavilay , Tiffany Duong , Mitchell J . Gulbranson , Philip R . Gunderson , Nathan J . Hevern , Houjun P . Kamata , Guenivere M . Matlage , Madeline E . Metzler , Ruby K . Nevarez Wielenberg , Vy Nguyen , Jacob Rebartchek , Sophia E . Smith , Isabelle S . Stewart , Morgan M . Strohman , Lexi L . Tengwall , Tyler R . Vossen , Devyn J . Vossen