Newsletters 23-24 Focus [1] Fall Anoka-Hennepin fall Focus | Page 2


Blaine High School senior named National Merit Scholarship semifinalist

Mujaddid Khan
Mujaddid Khan , a senior at Blaine High School - Center for Engineering , Mathematics and Science , has been named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist , and is now in the running to earn one of the 7,140 scholarships of up to $ 2,500 for college .
Khan joins more than 16,000 semifinalists nationally , representing less than one percent of U . S . high school seniors , who have the opportunitiy to become National Merit Scholars . who have the opportunity to become National Merit Scholars .
To become a finalist , students submit a detailed scholarship application about their academic record , participation in school and community activities , demonstrated leadership abilities , employment , honors and awards received , among other requirements .
Finalists will be announced in February , then National Merit Scholarship winners of 2024 will be announced in four nationwide news releases beginning in April and concluding in July . n

Blaine grads “ Go for the Gold ” earning prestigious national award

Specialty and magnet school options provide family choice within Anoka-Hennepin School District

Biomedical sciences and engineering is one of the 12 magnet or speciality options for students in Anoka- Hennepin .
Anoka-Hennepin Schools offers 12 schools that provide in-demand educational options such as the arts , science , technology , math , engineering and biomedical sciences ( STEM / STEAM ), as well as International Baccalaureate ( IB ).
Anoka-Hennepin specialty and magnet schools are public schools available to all students at no additional cost . These schools , which are at the elementary , middle school and high school levels , are designed to provide family choice . Students who live within the Anoka-Hennepin boundaries are eligible to apply to any of the specialty or magnet schools . The magnet schools belong to Northwest Suburban Integration School District ( NWSISD ) which provides transportation to those schools . Students may join the specialty programs using an in-district transfer process without transportation .
The specialty and magnet schools are offering tours by appointment and some are hosting information nights / open houses for parents to learn more about the programs offered . These events range from mid October to mid January . For specific open house dates and more information on each of the specialty and magnet schools and the application / enrollment process , visit ahschools . us / specialtymagnet . n
Six sites offer specialty programs , which students can access via in-district transfer , while six sites are magnet schools , which are available through the NWSISD .
Specialty school programs ( open to A-H students via in-district transfer )
• Champlin Park High School - International Baccalaureate Programme
• Jackson Middle School - A Specialty School for Math and Science
• Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy for Math and Environmental Science
• Hoover Elementary School - Biomedical , Health Sciences and Engineering
• Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts
• Monroe Elementary School : Mathematics , Science and Children ’ s Engineering
Magnet schools in the Northwest Suburban Integration School District ( NWSISD )
• Anoka High School - Center for Science , Technology , Engineering , Arts and Math ( STEAM )
• Blaine High School - Center for Engineering , Mathematics and Science ( CEMS )
• Coon Rapids High School - Center for Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
• Anoka Middle School for the Arts
• Evergreen Park Elementary : STEM School of Innovation
• University Avenue Elementary School : Aerospace , Children ’ s Engineering and Science ( ACES )
Left to right : Superintendent Cory McIntyre , Andrew Rono , Aaron Anderson , Congressman Tom Emmer
The volunteer and personal development commitments of 2023 Blaine High School ( BHS ) graduates Andrew Rono and Aaron Anderson were recognized with the highest honor bestowed by the United States Congress upon youth : The Congressional Gold Medal .
The award recognizes the initiative , service , and achievement by youth from throughout the United States . Rono and Anderson were two of four students in Minnesota to earn the designation . Nationally , 574 students collected the honor .
The Congressional Gold Medal requires youth to complete 400 hours of volunteer service and 200 hours each of personal development and physical fitness activities along with three educational expeditions . The students provided valuable volunteer service to the North Anoka County Emergency Food Shelf - or NACE - over the past several years and were also active in the Bengals in Action volunteer program at BHS . To add to their list of achievements , Rono and Anderson are also eagle scouts through Boy Scouts of America .
Minnesota ’ s sixth district Congressman Tom Emmer presented the congressional medals to the students at BHS in August .
For more information on the award criteria and significance visit www . congressionalaward . org . n

Keeping the focus on learning : District limits cell phone use in school

Anoka-Hennepin Schools is committed to providing students and staff with a safe , secure , and positive learning and working environment . In an effort to improve student focus on learning and reduce distractions during the school year , a modification of the current cell phone guidelines was made at the secondary level for the 2023-24 school year .
It is also a goal to support stronger interpersonal relationships between
High school
• Cell phones should be off or put in airplane mode during class time .
• Cell phones should be stored in backpacks unless the teacher has given permission to do otherwise .
• Cell phones can be used during passing time and at lunch . students and staff in the school community . The use of cell phones ( social media , texting , calling ) during the school day creates distractions that impact educational outcomes for students .
The modified guidelines are consistent with the current district policy , strategic priorities and the student handbook . n
Middle school
• Cell phones should be concealed , not powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day .
• Students have access to a district-assigned computer and the internet during the school day , so the need for mobile phones to support educational needs no longer exists .