Newsletters 23-24 Focus [1] Fall Anoka-Hennepin fall Focus

Magnet and specialty options provide student choice page 2
Outdoor Adventures students take action with river cleanup page 3
CRMS student wins national bus safety poster context page 4
Two Coon Rapids elementary schools power up with solar page 5


FALL 2023
Classrooms at Sandburg Education Center were updated to welcome students back to the building .
On Tuesday , Sept . 5 , students stepped off buses and walked into Sandburg Educational Center , the new home of Sandburg Regional High School , marking the return of students to the historic school for the first time since 2010 .
Sandburg Regional , which serves around 230 students from all around the district , made the move last summer from a leased site and changed the name from Anoka-Hennepin Regional High School . The school adopted the nickname ‘ Sabers ,’ which was previously used by Sandburg Middle School .
The building , located at 1902 2nd Avenue in downtown Anoka , was built in 1904 and started as a new site for Anoka High School . In 1954 the building became Anoka Junior High School and in the fall of 1976 became Sandburg Middle School until 2010 when it closed as a school site .
Administrative office spaces , classrooms and the cafeteria were retrofitted to serve students again . The previous site didn ’ t have a gymnasium or a cafeteria large enough for all the students . Now the
Students are bussed to Sandburg Regional High School from the five traditional high schools in the district .

Move to historic Anoka school site strengthens the student community at Sandburg Regional High School

HIG H S C H O O L school has the ability to hold all-student assemblies , which happened during the first two weeks of school , and all gather together for lunch . These new amenities help reach the goal of improving the student experience to lead to better academic outcomes .
Sandburg Regional provides an opportunity for students who feel a traditional large high school isn ’ t the best fit for them . The school focuses on the individual student while still providing a rigorous diploma program using the Anoka-Hennepin School District ’ s high school curriculum .
Visit ahschools . us / srhs for more information . n
Anoka-Hennepin conducts an annual scientifically valid survey of community members and parents to monitor performance and guide decision making .

The results are in !

95 % 90 %

of parents think teachers and staff care about their children and that their child ’ s school is safe say all or most of their child ’ s learning needs are met
Community members rated top benefits :
• Good programs , broad curriculum .
• High-quality education .
• Good teachers .
Community members rated this newsletter , the FOCUS , their primary source of school district news and information .
Visit ahschools . us / communitysurvey for a summary of the data .

Starting off strong with “ The Power of Purpose ”

By Superintendent Cory McIntyre
The start of the school year is a time of excitement and optimism for students and families alike . Our schools are off to a strong start with a commitment to providing the best learning opportunities and experiences possible .
I began service as your superintendent in July after serving the last four years as Superintendent for neighboring Osseo Area Schools . I ’ ve spent the last several months reacclimating and reconnecting with people from all over the district . Keep in mind I served as Associate Superintendent in Anoka- Hennepin prior to my time in Osseo , which has eased the transition and helped build momentum for the school year .
This school year we are asking our employees to reflect on a simple , yet important aspect of their service - their “ why .” What is your personal motivation ? Why do you work in education ? continued on page 3