Newsletter_Winter_2022_FINAL-min | Page 20

Growing Our Impact Through Global Policy Engagement

Conservation isn ’ t achieved in a vacuum , nor could it be . Rainforest Trust has been working in-country with local NGOs , Indigenous Peoples , local communities and governments at every level for over 30 years to implement successful projects . We deeply value the strong working relationships we have forged and continue to build .
Over the past few years , recognizing the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change , the generosity of our loyal donors has enabled us to double our impact for threatened rainforests and species . This support has encouraged us to challenge influential donors around the world to “ up their game ” and countries around the world to raise their conservation ambition .
In September 2021 , Rainforest Trust helped create and launch the Protecting Our Planet Challenge to which we pledged to invest half a billion dollars this decade to create protected areas . Our pledge was joined by eight other donors , bringing the total to $ 5 billion , the largest ever private commitment to nature .
Our commitment to the Protecting Our Planet Challenge was not only a pledge but also a challenge to the largest conservation funders : governments . This year , governments have begun to respond . Germany and the European Union have agreed to double their already considerable support for global biodiversity conservation .
Since announcing this initiative , we have invested $ 112,446,205 in 63 projects that , upon completion , will protect 24,033,069 acres . Over 3 million acres have been protected so far . Learn more about our progress on the Protecting Our Planet Challenge webpage .
We also joined the Campaign for Nature , which encourages countries to commit to protecting 30 % of their lands and waters by 2030 ( known as 30x30 ). At last count , 104 countries had signed on , including Madagascar , whose Environment Minister first pledged support for 30x30 at the 2021 Climate Conference with Rainforest Trust ’ s Mark Gruin and Rina Mandimbiniaina , our Madagascar Conservation Coordinator .