Newsletter_Winter_2022_FINAL-min | Page 13

Crowned Solitary Eagle
One of the rarest and most threatened raptors in the world , the Endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle has a stronghold in Brazil ’ s shrinking Atlantic Rainforest . This rainforest once covered much of eastern Brazil but has been reduced to 10 % of its original size . Deforestation severely impacts the Crowned Solitary Eagle , which requires established old trees for its nests .
Andean Condor
With a wingspan averaging ten feet and weighing up to 33 pounds , the Vulnerable Andean Condor is one of the world ’ s largest flying birds . Its cultural significance dates back to the Incas , who believed that this species was sacred . This rare vulture is found flying above the Andes mountains and the western coast of South America , where its rapidly declining population is estimated to be fewer than 6,700 individuals .
Speckle-chested Piculet
A tiny , black-and-white woodpecker , the Endangered Speckle-chested Piculet is endemic to the Peruvian Amazon watershed . Elusive and scarce , this species is geographically restricted to Peru ’ s Utcubamba and Huallaga Valleys . But as forest is lost to expanding agriculture , this woodpecker ’ s population is declining , with fewer than 15,000 mature individuals left .
e it is needed most in tropical regions around the world — many of which shelter the rarest ct critical habitats that would otherwise be lost to safeguard species from extinction .