Newsletter_Winter_2022_FINAL-min | Page 12

Threatened Birds of South America

South America ’ s rich tapestry of diverse ecosystems is home to more than 3,400 species of birds . Known as the “ Bird Continent ,” this Neotropical landmass harbors almost one-third of all bird species in the world . But birds here are struggling to survive as their habitats are fragmented or destroyed by deforestation . From our earliest days , Rainforest Trust has been protecting habitat critical for the survival of endemic and migrant birds . Here are a few of the threatened birds we are working to protect .
Antioquia Brush-finch
The rare , Critically Endangered Antioquia Brush-finch is a tiny songbird endemic to Colombia ’ s Antioquia region of the Andes mountains . Unseen for 47 years , it was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 2018 outside of the country ’ s second-largest city , Medellín . Conservative estimates have 73 % of the brush-finch ’ s brushland habitat destroyed for cattle pastures and potato farming . This bird ’ s remaining population — estimated at fewer than 50 individuals — is precariously close to extinction .
Grey-bellied Comet
Endemic to a few small areas in northwestern Peru , the Endangered Grey-bellied Comet is a large hummingbird with fewer than 1,000 individuals remaining . Sightings of this rare , iridescent green and blue bird are very uncommon . Destruction of its native habitat for agriculture is pushing this struggling species into extinction .
The Conservation Action Fund ( CAF ) supports urgent conservation action when and wher birds on Earth . CAF allows Rainforest Trust and our local partners to secure and prote