Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 March 31, 2014 | Page 2

TÜBİTAK Primary Subjects Funding Programs: 1003 and 1511 Since 2012, TÜBİTAK has been issuing calls on the national primary subjects identified by the “Supreme Council for Science and Technology” (SCST) within the scope of funding programs coded 1003 and 1511 open for Universities, Public Research Institutes, Private Sectors and the collaboration between these organizations. As is known to all, the primary subjects identified by BTYK and included in the framework of the “National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy” are as follows: Energy, Water, Food, Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Machine Manufacturing Technologies and Information and Communication Technologies. Result-oriented domestic R&D project having observable targets and pursuing the dynamics of relevant scientific/technological areas are supported within the scope of these programs. The basic differences between “TÜBİTAK 1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program” and “TÜBİTAK 1511 Primary Subjects R&TD (Research and Technology Development) and Innovation Funding Program” are provided below in table. For details of 1003 and 1511 programs plase visit 1003 - Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program 1511- Primary Subjects R&TD (Research and Technology Development) and Innovation Funding Program ARDEB TEYDEB Purpose of the Program The purpose of 1003 Program is to support result-oriented domestic R&D projects, which have observable targets and pursue the dynamics of relevant scientific/technological areas, in primary subjects to be identified within the scope of the “National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy” and to provide coordination between these projects. Within the scope of 1511 Program, it is intended to support result- and need-oriented projects in identified primary subjects, which have observable targets, to enhance technological competency and knowledge in our nation by the supported projects, to evaluate existing abilities in different subjects and to develop unique technologies capable of competing at an international level. Who can be a Principal Investigator? Those who hold a degree of PhD / specialty in medicine / proficiency in art and who work as the University personnel Regardless of the sector and its size, all equity companies or work at public or private institutions with at least four-year located in Turkey, producing added value at organizational university undergraduate education may file an application for level. the Principal Investigator position. Definition / Scope of Uniqueness / Innovation It is expected to reveal the importance of the project subject in literature, its background and today’s current situation, actual problems and deficiencies, gaps required to be filled and similar issues by reviewing and evaluating literature in relevant scientific areas. Furthermore, the project research question and problem should be set forth expressly and the unique value of the project (the project’s scientific quality, distinctness and innovation; how and which deficiencies it shall remedy or how and for which problem it shall introduce a solution and/or how it shall unique