Volume 1 Issue 4
March 31, 2014
Director’s Note
Welcome to the first issue of InTTOuch in 2014! The main focus of this issue is selected as “Primary
Subjects Funding Programs” of TÜBİTAK.
As you may know, in 2010, the Supreme Council for Science and Technology (SCST) approved
the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016). Based on this strategy,
disseminating culture of multilateral and multidisciplinary RDI cooperation, stimulating sectorial and
regional RDI dynamics, encouraging SMEs to become stronger actors within the national innovation
system, and enhancing the contribution of research infrastructures to the knowledge creation capacity
of Turkey are defined as the main focus points within the national innovation system. Since then, the calls
issued by TÜBİTAK are organized in three groups:
- Mission oriented approaches in areas with strong RDI capacity (Sectors: Automotive, Machine Manufacturing, and ICT), Related
TÜBİTAK Program: 1007 calls
- Need-oriented approaches in areas with a demand for gaining acceleration (Sectors: Defense, Space, Health, Energy, Water,
Food), Related TÜBİTAK Programs: 1003 and 1511 calls
- Bottom-up approaches including basic, applied and frontier research are identified (Sectors: N/A), Related TÜBİTAK Programs:
1001, 3501, 1002 and 3001 calls
The calls under “Primary Subjects Funding Programs” facilitate the mission of the second group, i.e., need-oriented approaches in areas
with a demand for gaining acceleration. In this issue, we compare two main “Primary Subjects Funding Programs” and share their pros
and cons. We will also share the success stories from Özyeğin University, who benefits from “Primary Subjects Funding Programs”. We
hope that you will find the information provided useful and benefit from this programs as the calls related to your expertise come up. We
look forward your active engagements with these programs and if you need any assistance, please keep in touch!
Best regards,
Nilay Papila, PhD
Director, Technology Transfer Office
- TÜBİTAK Primary Subjects Funding Programs: 1003 and 1511
- TÜBİTAK 1003 Project Success Stories: Assist.Prof.Dr. Güney
Güven Yapıcı and Assist.Prof.Dr. Göksenin Yaralıoğlu describe
their 1003 projects
- Open Calls for Proposals
- Announcement: Substantial Improvement for TÜBİTAK ARDEB
Proposal Limitations
- TTO News
- Research News
- Upcoming Events