The Aquatic Team also has five unannounced audits a year performed by StarGuard Elite , Glenview ’ s lifeguard training provider . These auditors come into the facility and conduct individual visual observations of lifeguards . In 2023 , Glenview Park District aquatic staff received an overall 5-star score on the unannounced audits – the highest achievement in StarGuard Elite audit criteria ! ▪
SAFETY SPOTLIGHT ( continued )
Did you know there are 11 Automated External Defibrillators ( AED ) located in our parks ?
The Glenview Park District collaborated with the Jennifer Lynn Snyder Teen Heart Foundation and was one of the first park districts in the state to add outdoor AED locations to parks . Each AED is hardwired to an alarm-monitoring center to alert the Glenview Fire Department to respond to the park if the cabinet is opened .
We have AED locations at the following parks :
• Gallery Park North Pavilion
• Gallery Park South Pavilion
• Flick Park Picnic Shelter
• Flick Park Fieldhouse
• Community Park West – North Pavilion
• Community Park West – South Pavilion
• Community Park West – Park Services West exterior restrooms
• Johns Park Fieldhouse
• Catherine Crowley Park Fieldhouse
• Swenson Park Picnic Shelter
• Roosevelt Park Fieldhouse
The Park District will continue to expand our outdoor AED locations to other community parks in the future .
The Park District offers a variety of safety training throughout the year . Some are standard districtwide safety training for all employees while other trainings are department or job task specific . From Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) compliance training , to Historic Wagner Farm animal handling training , to lifeguard certifications , the Glenview Park District has a safety training for everyone !
Our lifeguards undergo 25 hours of pre-season safety training before the outdoor aquatic centers open each summer . This includes their initial lifeguard certification class , required human resources / safety training , Roosevelt and Flick Pools facility training and required preseason in-service hours . The Aquatic Leadership Team , in addition to their lifeguard training mentioned above , go through 120 hours of training that includes assisting with teaching lifeguard certification classes , facility set-up hours , human resources training , internal leadership training and in-service hours .
After that , the training doesn ’ t stop ! Our lifeguards undergo six hours of in-service training a month to keep their skills at rescue ready abilities . During daily operations , the lifeguards also go through internal training ( visual audits , CPR tests and manikin / shadow drills ) to test their vigilance and skill level when they are on the clock .
The Aquatic Team also has five unannounced audits a year performed by StarGuard Elite , Glenview ’ s lifeguard training provider . These auditors come into the facility and conduct individual visual observations of lifeguards . In 2023 , Glenview Park District aquatic staff received an overall 5-star score on the unannounced audits – the highest achievement in StarGuard Elite audit criteria ! ▪