Newsletter Oct 2021 Final | Page 6

Issue Number 12 | October 2021
Written by Mrs Scott , Welfare Officer
Some of S2 students have been learning outdoors this term as part of the LOOC Programme , each week they cycle to the allotments in Fullarton woods and meet with Jan McGarry from CLD . The team are working towards a Dynamic Youth Award .
The students worked on the allotment before the summer and now are reaping the rewards ! They have harvested potatoes , carrots ( wonky ones !) pea pods , courgettes , tomatoes , onions and strawberries .
They also planted lots of different herbs and lots of wild flowers . Over the last few weeks they have been cooking with the food they harvested . We have sampled courgette soup , potato & leek soup , fritters , potato curry - all of which were prepared and cooked at the allotment !