Issue Number 12 | October 2021
Written by Denise Elliott , School Counsellor
In recent weeks pupils from some S2 classes have had the opportunity to increase their social and emotional learning , as well as ‘ dip their toes in mindfulness ,’ exploring the ways in which this might support them through the highs and lows of adolescent life . A core group of staff have been trained in Mindfulness in Schools Project . breathe programme and are working together to deliver this during PSE lessons .
. breathe is a four-session programme aimed at the school ‘ transition ’ years of ages 10-14 . The aim this term is to roll out the programme to all S2 and S1 pupils . In the new year the programme will also be introduced to transitioning P7 pupils in the Marr cluster .
In particular , . breathe explores issues around :
• Working with concentration and focus ; exploring how we can work with a wandering mind .
• Why humans worry , and how to support ourselves when we do so .
• Sleep : why it is important and what to do if we struggle to sleep well .
• Being with others : the opportunities and challenges of working skillfully with friendships and other relationships , both in person and online .
Each session includes :
• Learning about key areas of the brain and how they support us in our everyday activities
• Some introductory mindfulness practices
• Animations , discussions and exercises pupils can try in their own time