Newsletter Oct 2021 Final | Page 17

Issue Number 12 | October 2021
Written by Eva Mackinnon , S3
Each month , the art department run a photography competition for all theme ( the teachers usually pick it , but they are open to students ' ideas ).
Some previous themes have included pattern , architecture , looking up looking down and animals - some of the pictures have been stunning !
At the end of each month , the teachers ( Mrs H Brown , Miss Madden , Mrs Morton , Mrs Catterson and Mrs Lambie ) will pick the top 5 student pictures and the top 5 teacher pictures . Then , they pick the overall winner for the students and teachers . Some of our past winners have included Mrs . Cleland and Mr . Reid .
Once the winners have been decided , the Art team print the winner ' s images off onto nice , glossy paper and display it on the wall outside Mrs Brown ' s room with all the other lovely winner ' s work !
The prizes are usually a small , sweet treat . The theme for September was
symmetry – and for October colours of the earth ! If you have Instagram , DM your OWN picture to their account , and if you don ’ t have Instagram , and still want to take part , you can email one of the Art teachers for a chance of winning !
The Art Dept would love to encourage everyone to enter the competition to get creative , have fun and to think outside the box .
You can follow them on Instagram @ marrartdept