[email protected]
Issue 22
May 2014
Inaugural Sapphire Coast Rally a Washout…
but we still had fun
This month at a
Saturday 3rd, AGM.
Wed 7th, Mallacoota
Sunday 11th, Branch
Lunch at Club Sapphire,
Sunday 18th, Delegate to
Orbost ride.
Saturday 31st, Vinnies’
Winter Appeal Blanket
Inside this issue:
More about the Rally
Thank you Stonehouse.
Winners are Grinners
AGM Notice
Blanket Run flyer
Ramblings of the Ride
Ride Calendar
Branch Committee
Contact details
The weather was not
kind when it came to
our first Rally... Continuous rain had
turned the showground arena into a
rice paddy so camping was to be confined
to the higher areas.
However, this did not
cause a problem as
the rain kept the
masses away and only
2 of us actually
"camped", albeit under the shelter of a tin
Bev and Kate make the most of the wet weather and a
busted airbed by turning it into a grass sled!
From the editor…
Greetings all! I’m kind
of new at this but shall
give it my best shot.
We are trialling a few
new things such as
emailing the link to the
newsletter on our
branch website, and
doing the newsletter
monthly. Let’s see how
it goes! ~ Kate
There were approximately 20 attendees,
3 of which braved the
conditions and rode
all the way from Sydney in the rain. Bravo
The Friday night
soups, supplied by
Bev Parker, Pam
Murray and Ducati
Dave Doust, went
down a treat with
many of us fronting
up for 3rds!!
At the close of the
evening some ventured home to the
comfort of a warm
bed, while others set
up mattresses in the
hall... and Bev and
George discovered
that their mattress
had a bad leak! Cont.p2
Vinnies’ Winter Appeal Blanket Run
Saturday 31st May
The Sapphire Coast
branch sends an open
invitation to all riders
to join the Blanket
Run, departing from
Nick’s Bar & Grill at
Tura Woolworths. We
Julie Slade with some of the blankets she has made for the Ride.
will meet for coffee at
10am Before departing for Bega Vinnies
at 11am to hand over
the winter woollies
and enjoy a sausage