From the President & Editor
(Does that make me a Preditor???)
We’ve had lots of great
feedback on the new delivery system of the monthly
newsletter. Thanks must
go to our webmeister, Ross
Slade for enabling the new
This month we are starting a (hopefully) regular
Member Profile column.
Some members have said
“I wouldn’t know where to
begin” so in the near future I shall send out an
email that has a few questions you can answer.
Picnics, about every second month.
The next one is pencilled
in for Saturday 26th July.
If you have suggestions for
the location of this, or future, picnics please drop
me a line.
Some members have also
suggested we try some different pubs for dinner. The
monthly branch dinner
will still be held at the
Commercial Hotel on the
second Wednesday of
every month but for those
We have come up with a
that wish to we will be also
12-month Branch Meeting trying out the fare of other
and Social Calendar and
pubs in the area, about
I’m hoping Ross will able
every second month. This
to add it on the website for month will be Tathra Pub
quick reference.
on Thursday 26th June.
Speaking of social events,
we are also planning to
have some more Branch
Be safe on the roads this
long weekend.
Cheers, Kate.
Winners are Grinners
The winner of Draw #3 in our 50’s Club was our newest member,
Kerrin Dow with lucky number 3, scoring her $25.
Notes from Alice Springs Extended NatCom
clashes with a major horse race meeting
attended by 15,000 people! Wodonga
Council is investing $150,000 in facilities for the AGM event.
5. Granting of life memberships: Michelle Dick, Gold Coast Branch, for
branch and national website activities;
Notes of extended NatCom Meeting,
Bob MacDonald, Townsville, for
1.00 pm 16 May 2014, Alice Springs
branch and national fundraising activi1. Intros.
2. Officers Reports: as previously dis- 6. Announcement of location of 2017
AGM: Port Macquarie, NSW, exact
3. Ulysses Club Arthritis Research
venue to be decided, 2 possible locaFund report: $102,000 raised in 2013.
tions, date to be decided. They were the
100% of money raised goes to the reonly applicant.
searchers ie none to admin etc; a unique 7. General business:
situation as other charities spend 30Not many traders at this AGM: mainly
50% on admin and fundraising.
due to travel costs to Alice and clashes
4. 2015 AGM at Wodonga: attendees
with other events down south.
must book motels etc NOW as it
As the president was unable to attend
this year’s National AGM in Alice
Springs, Kate asked John Dean to be
our Branch representative at the Extended NatCom Meeting. Here are his
2422 people attending this AGM. 2600
have paid.
Consideration will be given to costs of
this and future extended NatCom meetings and AGMs being from general
club funds, not from fees paid by AGM
event attendees, if that is not the case
Lot of RVs attending this event ie not
riding bikes: possibly putting traders
off as their market is shrinking? NatCom dodged the issue, they accept it as
being an evolutionary issue. Mixed
views from the floor.
Objections from campers that the RVs
with own facilities were put close to the
amenities while tenters had a long
Meeting closed 2.40pm.