Peter’s Proposed Poke-around-Parkes Adventure
I’ve proposed a ride to Parkes to have a butcher’s at the radio telescope and whatever else –
there’s a museum and an old open cut mine that sounds like it might be worth a look see as well.
The route would be up the Princes Hwy to Batemans Bay, up the Kings Hwy to Braidwood,
Bungendore, then onto Yass, Cowra, and finally Parkes. This route avoids Canberra J
There’s also the Japanese garden at Cowra which would definitely worth a stop either on the
way there or back depending on how we go for time.
The ride (580 km from Bega) would be just about a full day’s worth. So to have a day in Parkes it
would need to be a two nighter. There’s a caravan park in town a couple of blocks from pubs and
cafes with camping and cabin accommodation http://www.parkes.nsw.gov.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=495939:spicerpark-caravanpark&catid=1729&Itemid=2914
So the question is: when to hold it? Sometime in October/November makes sense to me – not to
hot, and enough daylight hours for the length of the trip.
Could interested members please indicate preferences for the 3 days – mid week or perhaps a
weekend plus a day (eg Sat-Mon – for workers who can get a day off) and also which dates they
will (or won’t) be able to make it.
If you are interested, please email me: [email protected] with your preferences and/or any
Sooner is better than later, as Bruce will need to know for his calendar.
When we settle on a date, we could see if any Eurobodalla branch members want to join in also.
Christmas in July
July is already upon us and this month’s
Branch dinner at the Commercial Hotel will be
our Christmas in July.
For those that wish, bring along a small (read
as “cheap”!) wrapped gift and we can play the
infamous swapping game.
The raffle of the Yamaha Swag, donated by
Mick Cole, will be drawn during the evening.
Have you got your tickets yet? It looking like
Bega Meals on Wheels will do nicely from this
Christmas bling is optional but there will be a
prize for best Christmas get-up.
Hope to see you there!