By Bruce F
Not so long ago, well it was
a bit long ago, John Dean
suggested that we should
review the various cafes, etc
that we attend. Whether we
go as a group, individual or
as a club, it would provide a
guide to everyone. So, I finally got off my butt and
gave it a try.
but they have airconditioning and it kept the
place warm without being
drink other than the jug of
chilled water that was provided.
There was no parking in the
The menu prices were a bit immediate vicinity, but it is
high for me so I went for the a very short walk to the
lunch special. For $14.90 I Woolies complex with its ungot two Tandoori chicken
derground car park.
wings, a serve of beef curry
Overall a good location for a
and one of chicken curry.
quick feed. It looks like they
Even more recently
The accompaniments were
could easily accommodate a
(probably less than 12
rice, a pappadum and naan large group on a big table.
months) Peter Faulks sugbread. Everything was to a
gested that the Tandoori
Ratings (out of 5)
high standard and added up
King in Auckland St, Bega,
to a substantial meal that
would be a good location for
was good value for money.
a get together. So that is
where I tried.
For my tastes, the curries
could have been hotter, but Coffee ???
The decor and comfort at the
they were deliciously spicy.
Value for money
Tandoori King was pretty
I didn’t have anything to
good. It was a chilly day,
An Adventure To Bombala
By Kerrin
After meeting Ross and Kate at
the New Buildings Road turnoff
we proceeded up the Darragh.
hopped easily off our bikes but
Kate was firmly suctioned and
frozen in her seat posing a problem of getting out of the sideThe sight of my two new friends car. After much grunting and
from behind was quite amusing, groaning she finally came loose
at times straddling dead animals! and hobbled to the toilet.
We navigated the windy, wet
road arriving safely for a toilet
stop at Cathcart. Ross and I
Reluctantly back into position we
set off to Bombala. I had forgotten what a cold place it is. After
thawing out and some food at the
café, and being entertained by the
local lads, we got on our bikes,
with Kate suctioned into position
(no threat of falling out), and ventured down the wet mountain
road with no mishaps, just extremely keen to get down, off and
We visited my place for a cuppa
and Ross's eyes lit up when he
saw my driveway whilst Kate
looked quite worried. Once safely down my driveway, I waved
them off and thought to myself
"how interesting and fun life can