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3 Things that Coaching changed My perspective on Life
Six months ago I thought I had a good idea of how to coach people and informally started coaching my immediate
teams and peers . I was all through the roof , my first few conversations were absolutely successful . I had such an
Vasudevan Mukundan arousing feeling that I thought this was a good skill that I needed to develop . I was throwing all my weight and
spitting prescriptions to all of them who came to me . I struck so many conversations and eventually left the person
with complete instructions to do for their problems which included both professional and personal issues .
This feel good effect made me to start reading more on self-development and mentoring topics and slowly I
started to get into a rhythm . I started writing blogs to help leaders in the corporate world to develop thinking ,
oral communication skills to start with . All this while I never bothered to see how to actually coach a person . I ran
with my perception of coaching which was to deliver results to the problems that were thrown to me .
Well , that belief in my skill changed by the serendipity of events which gave birth to an opportunity to stumble
upon ICF for certification .
The way I got into this certification to me was not by chance but by fate ( This is my belief ).
One fine day while searching for a topic for my weekly blog I stumbled upon a LinkedIn post on how to make a sales
pitch to venture capitalist . While going through the comments section of the blog ( I normally don ’ t read those ) I
found my first manager of my first job .
This prompted me to connect with him and I saw his profile . His latest addition to his skill set read
“ Awaiting for ACC Coaching certification ”. I immediately rang him up and enquired about it , he referred me to ICF
website . Then for 4 months I just slept with this information and one Sunday evening , business as usual .
I had a fight with my wife , she complained that I was wasting time and that I was not equipping me with skills that
would take me higher in the corporate ladder . So I said – I don ’ t want to be a corporate person , I want to coach
them . Then she slammed me for not doing anything towards that . So , I decided to enquire about the course on
Monday and was lucky to have a course starting in 10 days . rest is history .
Please visit : www . icfchennai . com , and download the full article