Newsletter (2017-2018) December 2017 Newsletter | Page 3

EDITOR’S NOTE Belinda Zhou International Tutor Hello readers! I’m pleased to welcome you to the December issue of the Centre for Language in Education’s Newsletter to kick-off the holiday season. November was a busy month at the ASLLC. We launched the Centre’s Buddy Scheme, which part- ners students with one of the International Tutors for a cultural exchange experience. Not only can the student buddies learn more about the ITs’ home countries, but it is also an opportunity for stu- dents to share aspects of Hong Kong and Chinese culture with the ITs. Every month, there will be a centralized activity for the student buddies and the ITs. This month, Juho writes to us about the delicious BBQ event that took place at Tai Mei Tuk. The CLE also hosted the Education University of Hong Kong’s first G20 Simulation towards the end of November. Registered students were divided into teams and tasked with representing a specific country’s viewpoints on the issues of terrorism, the refugee crisis, carbon emissions, and education- al policy. The participants researched each of the issues and were engaged in active debate during the full-day event. You can find coverage of the event from two of the student journalists, Janice Ng and Tyler Wong, who wrote articles on the sector rooms that they observed that day. In this issue, you’ll find various articles related to the theme of “forging bonds”. We open the stu- dent-written section with Mike’s short story, “Playground Friendships”, covering the relationship between a few unexpected characters. This is followed by Julie’s account of her trip to Guangzhou during National Day weekend and the short-term friendships she had to form to finally reach her destination. June’s piece considers whether forming multiple, more distant friendships is more ad- vantageous than simply having a one best friend, or a “guimi”. Finally, in her article, Yetta utilises theories from communication psychology to help our readers approach both romantic and platonic relationships. Again, all students who are eager to improve their English writing skills are welcome to submit articles for future editions of the newsletter. Our desire is to build a larger English-language writing community here at EdUHK. I’d like to extend my thanks to David Brown at the CLE for his assistance editing this issue. Happy Holidays! DECEMBER 2017 4