Newsletter (2017-2018) December 2017 Newsletter | Page 2

CONTENTS 04 Editor’s Note 05 Featured IT of the Month 06 Workshop Spotlights 07 Buddy Scheme Event 05 07 08 Celebrating EdUHK’s First G20 Simulation 09 Will the dream of global collaboration finally come true? 10 Breaking: America Reiterates Intention to Exit Paris Agreement 08 12 12 Playground Friendships 14 Create the Need for Camaraderie! 16 Finding a “Guimi” or Connecting with Many? 18 Tips to Get Someone to Like You 16 14 Please note that all images in this newsletter are in the public domain or used with permission. 3 The views expressed in the Newsletter are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of EdUHK   DECEMBER 2017