Council Wide STEM Events
Girls push boundaries, test limits, and look at the world around them with inquisitive eyes. They're natural scientists!
Girl Scouts introduces girls of every age to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) experiences relevant to everyday life. Whether they're discovering how a car's engine runs, how to manage finances, or exploring careers in STEM fields, girls are fast-forwarding into the future. Check out some the local STEM events near you:
Spooky Science - Brookings, SD
Robotics – Brookings, SD
Boo Camp – Minot, ND
Ghost & Ghoul Trail – Minot, ND
Scare Camp – Thief River Falls, MN
Haunted Trails – Thief River Falls, MN
Beary Scary Halloween – Rapid City, SD
Engineering Extravaganza – Sioux Falls, SD
Spooktakular – Bismarck, ND
Mad Scientist Mayhem – Fargo, ND
STEM-U – Wahpeton, Jamestown, ND
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Girl Scouts will experience the best of both worlds as incredible adventures take them through the bustling streets of London, Paris, and high up into the Swiss Alps. At Pax Lodge and Our Chalet, we’ll arrange for girls to have special pinning ceremonies – making their visit forever memorable
and meaningful.
Far away on the other side of the globe, Australia and New Zealand boast exotic wildlife, beautiful nature, and fascinating indigenous cultures. The Maori people of Rotorua are still very active in the society—experience their traditions at a Hangi feast. In Sydney, see where the first Europeans set foot, and in Cairns, explore the extraordinary Great
Barrier Reef.