News on the Horizon August 2014 | Page 3

Pinwheel Activity

Pinwheels for Peace is a global movement of people who express their desire for peace by “planting” pinwheels in the ground outside public places, like libraries and schools. Pinwheels for Peace takes place every year on September 21, the International Day of Peace.

Badge Fun

Want to learn more about the petals and badges? Visit the Badge Explorer where you can filter by grade level and badge category.


Join us to recognize the impact and achievements that girls and volunteers have made in

Girl Scouting and their local communities.

SW April 26 2:00 – 4:00 PM Arrowhead Country Club, Rapid City, SD

NE April 26 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Speedway Event Center, Fargo, ND

SE May 3 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sioux Falls Convention Center, Sioux Falls, SD

NW May 4 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Grand Hotel, Minot, ND

Award recipients will receive an invite and registration information in

the mail at the end of March.

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Take Action with Bronze,

Silver and Gold Awards

We know you want to do good things for the world and help the people who need it most. We know you have great ideas that can make a lasting difference, and that you're more than ready to work hard to put those ideas into motion. Girl Scouting's highest awards, the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, are your chance to make a lasting difference in your community and around the world. Click below to learn about how you can put your passions into motion and start changing the world today!

Gold Award

Silver Award

Bronze Award

Bronze, Silver and Gold Award recipients are honored at the District Recognition events held in April/May each year. The council provides the award pin and certificate. Final report deadline is February 1st, 2015.