Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 69

5 Housing Compared to the State of Rhode Island, Newport has a fewer percentage of residents spending more than 20%) on housing costs. Table 5-10 shows the City of Newport has over a third of its population spending 20% or less on home costs; however, it also has 37.1% of its households considered cost burden. Housing cost-burden refers to those households paying more than 30% of their income on housing; likewise, households paying more than 50% of their income on housing are considered severely cost burdened. Of this 37.1%, 33% are homeowners and 39% are renters. Table 5-10 - Selected Monthly Housing Costs as a Percent of Household Income Percent of Income Spent on Housing Newport Number Westerly Percent Number Rhode Island Percent Number Percent Less than 20% 3,781 36.7% 2,744 36.6% 134,759 33.8% 20% to 24.9% 1,377 13.4% 986 13.1% 53,265 13.4% 25% to 29.9% 1,309 12.7% 855 11.4% 47,508 11.9% 30% to 34.9% 754 7.3% 855 11.4% 34,578 8.7% 35% or more 3,070 29.8% 2,060 27.5% 128,039 32.2% 50% or more* 1,825 16.7% 970 12.7% 73,005 17.8% 10,291 100.0% 7,500 100.0% 398,149 100.0% Total Occupied Source: 2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates *2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates—2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates not available. The total foreclosures in Newport, including single family homes as well as multi-family homes, from 2009 to quarter three of 2015, totaled 120. This came out to 0.00% of the total housing in Newport. In comparison, the State of Rhode Island had a rate of 0.10%. Cost-Burden Households Table 5-11 compares the City of Newport with the Town of Westerly and the State of Rhode Island, depicting household incomes with the number and percent of those that are cost-burden households. The data is presented by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with the most recent data from 2012. Despite the greater home values and rental costs in Newport, the city has a slightly smaller percentage of costburdened households than the State of Rhode Island as a whole. In fact, Newport has a smaller percentage of costburden households that make less than 30% of the HUD adjusted median family incomes (HAMFI) that the Town of Westerly and the State of Rhode Island as a whole. However, Newport households which make more than 50% of the HAMFI are at a higher risk of being cost burdened than households in both Westerly and the State of Rhode Island. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 5-15