Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 67

5 Housing Map 5-5 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Median Household Income Ave Forest Legend Coddington Median Household Income In The Past 12 Months (In 2013 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars) y J T Connell Hw in Rd W Ma Ka yS t Ave En d y dy St Freeb o Ba on st to nS q Spring St ll A Old For Ca rro e s Rd e n to en Almy Pond Br Lily Pon d Rd Ri dg Bellevue Ave Ruggles Ave e Ochre Point Av ve Narragansett Ave shall A ve Cogge n Ave Halido d tR Harrison Ave St vd Bl rial mo e M Ea tt B ay Mill S t Memori al Blvd W d hR eac Thames St ton Ave Welling n B Old Young St Bowery e or St Annandale R d rb Ha Easton Pond Ave Cup Av e JAMESTOWN N o rt ew p ro Island c Ameri as v Eustis A e Rhod St To u Kay Blvd Po we ll 238 g Washin Freeborn St dw ay Conanicus Ave Bro a t n Gree Bliss Rd en Gre ond P End rS 214 Mianto nomi Ave e Av t Farewell S Washington ne ar W Goat Island Co n n ga Rd Valley Rd Admiral Ka lbfu s Rd Malbon e Rd 138 Hillside Av e Ave Girard dge ½ Miles 3Rd St Pell Bri a rr Na ain MIDDLETOWN Connell Hwy City Boundary ¼ EM Maple Ave No Data $30,100 - $40,000 $40,100 - $55,000 $55,100 - $70,000 $70,100 - $90,000 $90,100 - $110,000 0 Hwy ve an A Oce Sources: City of Newport. RIGIS. US Census. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 5-13