Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 37

3. Land Use Critical Area Review – Ocean Drive District In 1994, the City of Newport established the Critical Area Review – Ocean Drive District. The intent of the overlay zone, shown on Map 3-3, is to foster sensitive development activity in the southern shoreline area, commonly known as Ocean Drive, by minimizing adverse impacts on such critical natural elements as vegetation, soil erosion, water quality, natural habitats and scenic quality. These standards are in addition to other generally applicable requirements in the City zoning code. The Critical Area Review Committee is charged with review of plans for this area in relation to natural resource impacts. The requirements of this review committee have been developed to protect, conserve, and foster the natural, scenic, historical and economic qualities of lands along the city's Ocean Drive. The critical area review process is not intended to deny an applicant a permitted use of the property, but rather to review, comment, refine, and develop site design elements which protect the site’s natural resources and those within its surrounding environment. The R-120 and R-160 zones together comprise the boundaries of the critical area. . All development in the district is subject to the requirements of the Critical Area Review. Historic District Zoning Newport’s historic character is reflected in the many buildings and places throughout the city. It is a character that has been built up for the past four centuries. As described in the Newport Zoning Ordinance, the city has an extensive collection of colonial structures and mid-19th century resort architecture. This rich architectural history and historic places deserves to be protected for future generations to enjoy. As a result, the city established the Historic District. The purpose of the Historic Zoning to: 1. Safeguard the heritage of the City of Newport by preserving districts in the City of Newport which reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history; 2. Stabilize and improve property values in those districts; 3. Foster civic beauty; 4. Strengthen the local economy; and 5. Promote the use of the historic districts for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Newport. The Historic Zoning District is shown on Map 3-4. Development Plan Review To ensure that commercial and multifamily development is consistent with this comprehensive plan, the City has established a detailed development review process (DPR). The purpose of the DPR procedure, previously known as site plan review, is to assure the orderly development of those commercial and multifamily dwelling uses which either by their nature or scale and intensity of use may significantly impact city resources. More specifically, the intent is to minimize traffic hazards and congestion; to provide a more healthful and aesthetically pleasing environment; to guarantee the adequate provision of water, sewerage, police, fire and other public services, and to promote the overall public health, safety, and general welfare of the community and its citizens. Demolition of Structure Ordinance The Demolition of Structures ordinance enacted in 2012 provides the City of Newport’s Planning Board with the tools necessary to preserve the historically and culturally significant built environment and neighborhood architectural identities beyond the border of the local historic district. Review of demolition permits by the board ensures that proposed projects shall not damage the physical fabric and architectural context of the community without expanding Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 3-9