Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 36

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Table 3-2 – City of Newport Zoning Districts (continued) Zoning District Description R-120 Residential District The R-120 residential district is an area of low density residential development. The minimum lot size requirement reflects the estate-like nature of the development in this area. The intent of this district is to maintain the large amounts of existing open space. For that reason, multifamily dwellings of new construction are not permitted. Other limiting factors on development in this district are the natural environment and the lack of adequate support services. R-160 Residential District The intent of the R-160 residential district is similar to that of the R-120 district. That is to maintain the existing development pattern of large estates and resulting open space. Multifamily dwellings of new construction are not permitted. The natural environment and lack of support services likewise limits development in this part of the city. The development pattern in this area consists of large tracts of land greater in extent than those found in the R-120 district. The intent of this district is to maintain that low density pattern of development which has occurred over time. LB Limited Business District This district consists of a more limited range of commercial uses than that found in general commercial areas. The intent of this district is to allow for less intense commercial uses that are compatible with nearby residential areas and which meet neighborhood needs. WB Waterfront Business District The waterfront business district consists of the area adjoining the harbor. The intent of this district is to provide for retail and commercial service facilities to meet the needs of both tourists and residents. A mix of land uses is encouraged in this area, with access to the water utilized by those activities which are dependent on such a location for their existence. GB General Business District The general business district consists of the city's central business and community shopping areas. The intent of this district is to allow general retail and business uses, but in a manner so as to complement the existing unique combination of residential and commercial uses in the area. CI Commercial-Industrial District The commercial-industrial district is an area designed to consist exclusively of city-wide business and industrial uses. The intent of this district is to concentrate such activities in an area in which the transportation system is adequate for this purpose and no infringement upon the character of established residential areas will result. All residential uses are prohibited in this district for public health and safety reasons. TM Traditional Maritime Distr ict The traditional maritime district is intended to provide a location for maritime-related activities, public access and recreational uses of the waterfront in an attractive environment which supports the historic character of the city and the traditional values associated with a working waterfront. All residential uses are prohibited in this district for public health and safety reasons. OS Open Space District The open space district is an area designed to provide for the preservation and enhancement of open spaces in the city and to foster environmental conservation activities. It is realized that open spaces contribute greatly to improving the quality of life, enhancing property values and promoting general well-being among the city's residents. REC Recreational District The recreation district is an area designed to provide for the preservation and enhancement of open spaces in the city and to foster passive and active recreational activities. It is realized that open spaces for recreation contribute greatly to improving the quality of life, enhancing property values and promoting general well-being among the city's residents. Other District Description Critical Area Review – Ocean Drive District This overlay is a non-binding district that establishes an enhanced review process for development activity in the southern shoreline area, commonly known as Ocean Drive. The purpose of this enhanced review is to minimize adverse impacts on critical natural elements in the area. Historic District The purpose of historic district zoning is to protect the city’s historic assets and to guide new growth in ways that enrich and maintain Newport's sense of place and authentic historic character, for now and for future generations. Source: City of Newport, RI Page 3-8 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)