Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 23

2 Community Involvement An essential part of any comprehensive planning process is community engagement. Participation by a broad cross section of interests increases the likelihood that the plan’s goals and objectives will be based in community consensus. Strong consensus increases the likelihood for successful plan implementation. From the very early stages of the project, city staff and leadership emphasized the need for a robust and creative stakeholder engagement program. Working in collaboration with the project consultant, the staff at Engage Newport and local print and digital media, the city designed and carried out a program which included multiple events, modes and opportunities for the public to access, review and comment on project work products. The elements of the community involvement program are described below in more detail. Outreach Throughout the planning process, it was important to consistently disseminate information about the project to keep all interested parties up to date on the progress of the plan. This was accomplished through:  A dedicated and “branded” project website  Periodic eBlasts  Local print and digital media outreach  Close collaboration with “Engage Newport,” Newport’s professional public engagement provider Project Website ( The project website was created at the project’s initiation as an interactive tool for sharing information about the progress of the comprehensive plan update. In addition, the website included a tab for joining the project email list, as well as a tab for sending comments to the project leadership. This tool was constantly available for those who were not able to make it to the workshops or who did not wish to speak publically at the workshops. Through this tool, residents were able to send in as many comments as they wished. The site also included information about the project scope, work program, schedule and the committee members and city staff responsible for the plan’s development. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 2-1