Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 22

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan It should be noted that in order to provide flexibility and encourage creativity, with the exception of the Land Use and the Implementation Plan Elements, topics required by the State to be addressed in the Plan do not require their own separate “element” or chapter, as long as the required content is provided in the Plan. Newport’s Plan is a hybrid; topical areas are provided with their own “chapters” but as noted, these are organized by themes to highlight interrelationships. In addition, each chapter will include a section that specifically addresses important interrelationships, to further explain and emphasize the “comprehensive” nature of a good Plan. Section 1 Charting Our Course Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction Community Involvement Section 2 Community Framework Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Land Use (Mandated) Economic Development (Mandated) Housing (Mandated) Section 3 Healthy and Vibrant Communities Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Neighborhoods Community Services and Facilities (Mandated) Transportation and Circulation (Mandated) Section 4 Preserving Our Heritage Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Open Space and Recreation (Mandated) Natural Resources (Mandated) Historical and Cultural Resources (Mandated) Section 5 Sustainable Systems and Stewardship Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Energy (Mandated) Water Natural Hazards and Climate Change (Mandated) Section 6 Implementing the Plan Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Page 1-10 Implementation Program (Mandated) Glossary Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)