Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 167

11 Historical & Cultural Resources districts and specific buildings for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the citizens of Newport. Historic District Zoning has had a positive impact Newport, largely in improving the quality of deteriorated historic structures through proper rehabilitation actions. Historic District Zoning has also served to protect the quality and historic integrity of historic areas. In comparison, the National Historic Landmark status does not protect a property or a National District from incompatible development. Development of these properties may only be regulated when federal funds are utilized; therefore the local Historic District Zoning combined with the Newport HDC gives much greater protection to historic resources. As an additional protection to Newport's larger historic properties, the City's Zoning Ordinance was amended to prohibit multi-family development of new construction in all zoning districts represented in the Bellevue Avenue and Ocean Drive neighborhoods in order to preserve the exterior appearances of the historic buildings. Multi-family developments are permitted in these neighborhoods by special exception only, and may only take the form of conversion within the confines of existing structure. Wind energy systems, including wind turbines, are also excluded from the being sited within the Historic District. Demolition within the Historic District The Demolition Delay ordinance, enacted in 1991, came about as a result of public outcry over the demolition of historic homes adjacent to the Newport Hospital outside of the Historic District. That ordinance has since been rep