Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 166

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Section 106 Section 106 of the NHPA requires each federal agency to identify and assess the effects of their actions on historic resources. The federal agency must consult with the appropriate state and local officials, Indian tribes, applicants for federal assistance, and members of the public regarding their views on historic preservation. Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit The Economic Recovery Act of 1981 established tax credit programs where up to 25% of the restoration costs could be credited towards income taxes. This program helped fund the historic rehabilitation of many of the City's threeto-five family structures, and also led to the conversion of rental units to condominiums. State Preservation Programs The city recognizes the importance of their Historic and Cultural assets. As a result, there are no conflicts, priorities, or policies that would threaten these assets. On the contrary, this document capitalizes on the opportunity to coordinate the protection of these assets into other sections of this plan, such as Chapter 14, Natural Hazards and Climate Change. Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission The Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission (RIHPHC) has the responsibilities of conducting a statewide survey of historic sites and places. They are also responsible for recommending places of local, state or national significance for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places; administering federal grant-in-aids to National Register properties for acquisition or development; and developing state historic preservation plans. The RIHPHC has identified, documented, and evaluated historic properties in four neighborhoods of the City: the Kay/Catherine neighborhood, Old Beach neighborhood, the Broadway neighborhood, and Harbor/Lower Thames Street neighborhood. In addition, four areas of Newport are federally registered National Historic Landmark Districts and five additional areas are National Register Districts. The National Historic Landmark Districts are: the Bellevue Avenue District (1976), Fort Adams District (1976), Newport District (1968), and the Ocean Drive District (1976). The National Register Districts in Newport are: the Bellevue Avenue – Casino District (1972), Fort Hamilton District (2001), Kay Street – Catherine Street – Old Beach Road District (1973), Ochre Point – Cliffs District (1975), and the Southern Thames District (2008). The RIHPHC also plays a role in documenting archaeological sites in the city. Municipal Preservation Efforts Newport Historic District Commission In Newport, over half of the parcels and about 40% of the city’s area are a part of the Historic District. The Newport zoning ordinance designates the Newport Historic District Commission (HDC) as the review authority for the City of Newport on historic preservation. The HDC must review and approve any new construction, exterior alteration, or demolition of all structures on properties within the Historic District or on a list of specified historic properties. City of Newport Historic District Zoning Enacted in 1964, Newport’s Historic District Zoning has the following objectives: stabilize and improve property value, preserve specific historical districts, foster civic beauty, strengthen the local economy, and promote the use of such Page 11-8 Historic Preservation is an expensive endeavor, albeit one that worthwhile. Newport’s Theiszoning of historic districts or 2017 – 2021 Capital properties regulates how Improvement Planmay callsdevelop for property owners $410,000 to be put towards their property. Without historic park restoration throughin reasonable control, specifically the year 2021. the form of regulations to setbacks, lot area coverage, and building heights, new development may threaten the integrity of historic areas. Future efforts to establish historic districts should be a collaborative process between the City and property owners. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)