Newport Beach Country Club Magazine Winter 2020 | Page 21

fruition, the couple partnered with architect Chris Brandon, who has since hired Paige for other modern interior design projects. “We’re kind of pausing right now, though, to crush life for awhile,” she says, noting that they haven’t taken on one of these projects in a little over a year. “We’re just traveling, golfing (for him more than me), surfing, I’m taking Spanish lessons, he’s taking guitar lessons, visiting family—you know, just doing the things that I don’t want to be too old to do later.” The topics of age and family are pertinent to Paige, which makes sense after hearing what she consid- ers to be her greatest accomplish- ment. “I gave a kidney to my dad and it’s like the coolest thing I’ve ever done,” she says, adding that, most of the time, when people have cancer, their loved ones can’t do anything to help. “… I could do something, and he lived another 13 years.” Michael says that he is most proud of taking a risk in his career: “For me, it was leaving the security of a trader at a corporate bank and starting an entrepreneurial trad- ing operation that we’re fortunate worked out pretty well.” After all that hustle and bustle over the years, the couple now uti- lizes the Newport Beach Country Club as a place to relax and decom- press, with Michael referring to it as “a peaceful sanctuary.” This is especially true when they take to the golf course at sunset with a cou- ple of cocktails and tunes playing in their golf cart. “We go out at twi- light, … there’s nobody out there and we just stop sometimes and look around and go, ‘Oh my god, N E WP O R T B E A CHCC .CO M During winter, the couple lives in Vail, Colorado (pictured above). “I GAVE A KIDNEY TO MY DAD AND IT’S LIKE THE COOLEST THING I’VE EVER DONE,” PAIGE SAYS, ADDING THAT, MOST OF THE TIME, WHEN PEOPLE HAVE CANCER, THEIR LOVED ONES CAN’T DO ANYTHING TO HELP. “… I COULD DO SOMETHING, AND HE LIVED ANOTHER 13 YEARS.” we live here,’ ” Paige says. “… It’s gorgeous, like, pinch me.” They have been members for a little over a decade,but what was it that drew them to this property in the first place? “The location and quality of the golf course,” according to Michael. “… [Plus,] if we’ve had too many cocktails, we can walk home. That was our rationality.” Paige was convinced of country club life through the couple’s mem- bership at the Vail Mountain Club, which is where Michael taught her how to ski. “I thought, well, why don’t we do that with golf? We’ll join, I can walk down the street … and play golf. You know, join a club and that’s how I’ll get better at golfing,” Paige says. “But I’m a really good skier and a really bad golfer.” Even Michael, who practices on the driving range almost every afternoon, says he is still honing his golfing skills. “I try and surf in the morning if there … [are] waves, and then come and spend hours here [at the club]. So, the amount of hours I’ve spent golfing, relative to how good I am, I should be better,” he quips. Paige adds that it doesn’t matter “how good my outfit looks, I shoot 105.” But the golf course isn’t the only place you’ll find the Hills. “We weren’t using the facilities much, other than to golf, but then, once the new clubhouse opened up, we loved it,” Michael says, noting that they regularly use the recre- ational spaces like the gym, spa and pool. They also eat at one of the on-property restaurants at least once a week, specifically the Little Italy nights. That being said, the biggest culinary draw is one they are truly grateful for. “My favorite event here is Thanksgiving, hands down. We make sure we’re here every Thanksgiving because the spread of food is incredible,” Paige says. “… We do family Thanksgiving on Wednesday so we can come here with friends for actual Thanksgiving Day.” And spending this holiday at the club makes sense, since they see the staff as part of their family. “We’re actually friends with more of the staff around here than other mem- bers because we didn’t grow up around here, and I think the staff is very personable,” Michael says. “I mean, I’ve lived here [for] 25 years, I have plenty of friends,” Paige adds, “but we always seem to gravitate toward the staff. … The staff definitely puts the mem- bers first. More so than any club I’ve ever been a part of; they’re all killing it.” NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB MAGAZINE 21