Newbridge FETC Spring 2024 Brochure | Page 7

Lifelong Learning
Newbridge Further Education and Training Centre
Back to Education Initiative ( BTEI )
Skills to Advance – Route 1

Lifelong Learning

Newbridge Further Education and Training Centre

At the Newbridge FET centre we offer a comprehensive range of full and part-time adult education courses for adult learners of all ages . Courses are offered across a wide variety of subject disciplines and fields of learning . Classes are offered on a part-time flexible basis . Tuition is provided by our highly experienced and professional tutors in a friendly and informal atmosphere , conducive to adult learning .
We would be delighted to help you on your learning journey . Contact the centre today to explore your options .
Roy Brennan , Adult Literacy Organiser
Lifelong Learning

Back to Education Initiative ( BTEI )

Back to Education Initiative ( BTEI ) courses are free if :
� You have less than upper second level education ( No Leaving Cert ),
� Are in receipt of a Social Welfare payment or a dependant of someone in receipt of a Social Welfare payment ,
� Have a full valid medical card . Fees may apply to those who do not meet the above criteria

Skills to Advance – Route 1

� Learners who are in part-time or full-time employment , will qualify for free fees under the Skills to Advance Initiative , if they do not meet the eligibility for free fees under the BTEI eligibility criteria .