New York Muse 1 | Page 9

On display is a short film, produced specifically for this exhibtion that addresses the ongoing topic of doversoty within the fashion world. Andre Leon Talley leads the discussion with designer Tracy Reese and Mimi Plange on their personal experiences as back fashion designers and the role of diversity in fashion.

Fashion has always been a trend that symbolizes social, political, economic and cultura changes. It's a form of expression that sets people apart from others. "I'm extremely excited for this exhibit. I think it'll be one of the best that FIt has done yet." says Evan Riddick, FMM major at FIT.

A past article in the New York Times quotes Bernard Hardison, founder of the diversity coalition who said that there were more high-profile black dsigners in the 70's than there are today and how we as a society are moving backwards.

"I'm glad to see the black culture getting recognition forthe influence its had within the fashion world. This exhibit couldn't have come at a better time." Briana Castro, fashion design major at FIT.

The ethnic makeup of every industry should reflct the ethnic makeup of that population at large; which in this case it doesnt. Black Fashon Designers will not only highlight designers of the past and wekk known dsigners of today but will also play as a conversational topic of what it is to be an African American designer.

The exhibt will be open to the public from December 6 through May 16.
