How will New York City change in the next 30 years? Some expectations of this city are very enriching and futuristic, but some others are just depressing and dismal. New York is a big and wonderful city. A city that can choose between two paths, the one that guides you to a good future or the one that guides you to the poor future.
New York has been, is and will always be one of the richest and biggest cities in the world. There are some ideas of New York City in the future that will grow in technology and will be a very modern city. However there is still going to be a mix of an old city and a modern city.
In the other hand, everybody knows New York is a huge city were you have lots of opportunities, that's why everyone wants to visit it. Some people's opinion is that if everything stays the same, in 30 years New York will be overpopulated. More people gives as a consequence more contamination. The city will be dirty and grubby and wont' be as confortable as today's clean city.
This means that the city wil keep the old stuff because it is a way to represent the american culture. The culture that will always be part of New York's life.
New York's Future