New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 43

43 About the report
STAKEHOLDERS AND IMPORTANT QUESTIONS The most important stakeholders for New Wave Group are the ones that are most affected and / or affect our business to a large extent . We strive for a continuous dialogue to ensure good relationships and understand their expectations .
Stakeholder groups
Channels for communication
Important questions
Shareholders Decides on the aims of the business and influence the company ' s direction .
Funds and✓ financial institutions
Private✓ shareholders
Annual General Meeting✓
Individual meetings✓
Stock analyzes✓
Tax and social ethics✓
Product quality✓
Attraction of employees and✓ employee development
Communication and marketing✓
Customers Affects New Wave
Group ’ s revenue and brand perception
Promo✓ distributors
End consumers✓
Customer surveys✓ Market Advisory Board✓
Individual meetings✓ Social media✓
Product quality✓
Sustainable products and circularity✓
Origin and transparency✓
Monitoring of the supply chain✓
Provide information to support✓ purchases of sustainable products
Knowledgeable staff✓
Employees Implement and develop operational work within
New Wave Group
All employees in✓ all subsidiaries
Consultants and✓ clients
Daily interaction✓
Staff meetings and✓ performance reviews
Employee surveys✓
Customer satisfaction and product✓ quality
Performance reviews and feedback✓
Working terms and conditions✓
Knowledge and education✓
Monitoring of the supply chain✓
Anti-corruption and business ethics✓
Suppliers Produce and influence the impression of
New Wave Group ’ s products
External suppliers , ✓ for the majority in Asia
Purchasing offices✓
Individual meetings✓
Supplier audits ( internal✓ and third-party ) y
Long-term business relationships✓
Anti-corruption and bribes✓
, Working conditions , terms✓ health and safety
Society Sets the outside expectations on New Wave Group
Interest groups✓ and organizations
Policy makers✓
Lectures at seminars and✓ other events
Memberships in industry✓ organisations
Individual meetings✓
Sustainable products and circularity✓ Chemicals and product safety✓
Anti-corruption and bribes✓ Democracy✓
Origin and transparency✓ Monitoring of the supply chain✓ Eco-labels and certifications✓