New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 42

42 About the report
This is the New Wave Group
Sustainability Report that summarizes the work with sustainability within the Group during the fiscal year 2021 .
The Sustainability Report is a part of the Board of Directors ' Report in the Annual Report for New Wave Group for the period January 1 , 2021 to December 31 , 2021 .
The content of the report reflects the questions that are most important to New Wave Group at Group level and that have been given high priority by our stakeholders .
The report has been developed by the Sustainability Department of New Wave Group . The Board of Directors and the Group Management have been involved in the process . Data collection and compilation has been made on Group level while the CEO of each subsidiary has been responsible for reporting .
Reported data and key figures are based on 2021 activities , unless otherwise stated . As in previous year , we have chosen to report with support from GRI Standards , Global Reporting Initiative ’ s latest guidelines . Still a lot of work and data collection remain in order to be able to fully report according to GRI ’ s principles . The ambition is to continuously improve and develop both our work with sustainability and reporting .

About the report

IMPORTANT importance for stakeholders
Communication and✓ marketing
Anti-corruption and ✓ business ethics , both in own operation and supply chain
Tax and society ethics✓ Product Emission calculations✓
Attraction of employees and ✓ employee development
Customer satisfaction✓
Waste management✓ in own operations
MATERIALITY ANALYSIS The expectations of the stakeholders in combination with the knowledge of our employees are guidelines for how we work with sustainability . By being responsive to the expectations , we can continue to develop in the desired direction . The foundation for the materiality analysis was laid in 2017 through surveys and in-depth interviews with three of our key stakeholders : shareholders , customers and employees . We also took into account the sustainability questions most important for New Wave Group in terms of business strategy and competitiveness . Since then , minor updates have been made from an impact perspective . Annually we also summarize the questions that have been brought to the table in ongoing dialogues with our stakeholders . A key question for our stakeholders is New Wave Group ’ s efforts to create sustainable products where quality , design and compliance with regulations , as well as good environmental performance and social conditions throughout the supply chain are taken into account .
✓ Sustainable products and circularity
✓ Monitoring the supply chain
✓ Working terms and conditions
✓ Transparency
✓ Reduction of total GHG emissions
✓ Procurement strategy
✓ Transportation and logistics
✓ Knowledge and education economic , environmental and social impact