New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 | Page 32

New Water Policy and Practice New goals must be generated through a holistic approach to access to water. New generations of players/users are required to add value to the process, enriching it, submitting specific global counterproposals or underscoring a new innovative and responsive vision. The idea is always to achieve high levels of social welfare for the population through sustainable development. ONU. 2003. “Water for People, Water for Life.” UN World Water Development Report (WWDR) (co-published with Berghahn Books, UK). Pereira, Á. 2011. “Água em Angola: a insustentável fraqueza do sistema institucional.” Revista Angolana de Sociologia [Online], 8, posted online on 29 July 2013.; DOI: 10.4000/ras.519 (accessed What We Expect And How To Con- August 2, 2014). tribute To Problem Solving? Governo de Angola. 2010. “Constituição da We will use this platform to publish scientific República.” Angola. approaches on the study and dissemination of new policies on water. The new approach Governo de Angola. Lei das Águas (Water should be seen as a way to galvanize the fu- Act), Lei nº 6/02 de 21 de Junho. Governo de ture followers of this new Journal whose fun- Angola. damental objective is to provide a new vision, a new look at the public policies on water SWECO GRONER. 2005. “Avaliação Rápida worldwide, renovating the old assumptions dos Recursos Hídricos de Angola.” Final Rethat have brought disappointing results out of port, Luanda: Direcção Nacional de Águas. the current global context. We encourage all of you to develop innovative ideas within the framework of good environmental practices. References African Development Bank. 2014. “Gender, Poverty and Environmental Indicators of African Countries.” Published by the: Economic and Social Statistics Division Statistics Department. African Development Bank. Temporary Relocation Agency (TRA), Tunis: ADB ANGOP, 2014. (Secretary of State of Energy and Water on 3/03/2014). MacDonald M., Bonsor, H. C., Dochartaigh, O. and Taylor, R. G. 2012: “Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa.” Environ. Res. Lett. 7. 30