New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 | Page 31

New Water Policy and Practice tainable development provided by integrated planning will aim at implementing more rational use and prevent pollution of water bodies by misuse. Between the national and international basins, it will also advise the creation of management networks in order to connect the local, regional, and national contexts. This integrated vision may provide greater knowledge, designed for policy makers, about the demand of water, and how to share development benefits. This approach aligns with that put forward by Álvaro Pereira (2008) which states that programs and governance priorities face mainly structural and conjuncture constraints such as: the level of availability of water resources; cultural, socio-political, economic, and environmental mindset; governance variables within dominant geopolitics and economic order; and finally the ideological wrangling and administrative provisions. In Angola, in terms of environment, the guiding legal framework contributes several principles, namely the environment framework law 5/98 which establishes the general environmental paradigms and different complementary executive decrees and regulations which are in full compliance. It should be noted that the law on spatial planning and urbanism 03/04 and the land law 9/04a) are also regulatory instruments that guide these activities. In the context of recognition of the role of organized civil society through the Associations Law for Environmental Protection 03/06, which supports the environment and organizes public participation, the transversal aspect of environmental issues is an open door for defining new paradigms on water and the sharing of this resource. In the current state of development, Angola still maintains a good level of availability of water resources, but despite the considerable results already achieved, still faces structural level constraints and the need to overcome barriers imposed by different situations from the moment of conception until the time of execution of the programs. The future development of water